Workshop Testimonials

Fatrice B
Posted on:
Alaskan Bald Eagle Winter Adventure
The Eagles Have Landed!!

One of my favorite places to visit is Alaska. It offers such unique experiences for both wildlife and landscape. I was somewhat apprehensive about the lengthy ferry ride from Juneau to Haines. What I didn’t foresee was just how beautiful the scenery would be along the journey. Simply spectacular!! There are private cabins available if you just want to relax. The cafeteria on board also serves a delicious breakfast so it is a stress free trip. Colby’s workshops never disappoint. I was amazed at how close we were to the bald eagles. Each day was filled with abundant opportunities to capture some great action shots. Colby as usual was “coaching” us along the way. As an example, the first day I was on adrenal overload and not getting the best shots. His feedback was to just be patient and read the eagle’s body language and I’ll know when they are about to take flight. Great feedback and when I embraced it, I started to get great shots. At the end of the day we collectively focused on post processing tools: Lightroom, Photoshop, Topaz etc, Our accommodations were great: 4 bedroom house with an amazing view. Colby is a great photo educator and a lot of fun to be around. Looking forward to my next adventure with him.

Jennifer B
Posted on:
Myanmar Photo Adventure
Myanmar – A must do!

Myanmar was my second workshop with Colby and I think being a return client says it all. My first workshop in Cuba with him was so incredible I talked 2 of my friends into going to Myanmar as well – and everyone had an amazing time! The guide Colby works with in Myanmar is likely the best guide I’ve ever encountered. He was so helpful, knowledgeable, accommodating, and kind – truly a joy to be around and together they planned some AMAZING experiences for us. I love how small his workshops are – so you get personalized attention – everyone is at all different levels of photography, and you walk away learning so much. Myanmar is perhaps one of my favorite countries and stunning to photograph – but you have to know how to get around. Aside from being an awesome photography teacher, Colby knows the countries he goes to better than anyone, and will get you where you need to be to capture truly remarkable photographs. I look forward to doing more trips with him in the near future!

Mia Miller
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Iceland Winter Wonderland
A Grand Place to Learn!

As someone who was foreign to landscape photography but adept with other styles of shooting, it was such an enlightening experience to learn something brand-new on-location, with any questions I had answered immediately and, in my opinion, in a superior way that I would have found online. There’s the aspect of being in such grand and beautiful places that give learning a whole new layer of excitement.

Pedro, our guide, made sure we would arrive to location earlier than any other people we were met with, granting us the best view of the landscape we were going after. The planning of the days seemed a little unreal– to think that we had the time to not only visit all the places we did (which was a lot!), but to feel satisfied with the time spent there, and not feeling rushed at all. Pedro was also always on-top of the aurora light forecast, checking frequently, and getting us to those beautiful landscapes or water bays, for a perfect composition when the auroras arrived in the sky.

I’ve had so much fun going through my photographs so far, and am totally satisfied with what I’ve learned, my results, and the experience as a whole. It has created a new appreciation for landscape photography and I can now document and capture my travels at an immensely higher level. I highly recommend a Colby Brown workshop!

Alex B
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Myanmar Photo Adventure
Magical Myanmar!

There are not enough good words to describe the experience of the workshop in Myanmar. Breathtaking scenery, excellent tutoring and a great group of people to travel with pretty much sums it up!

It was such a positive learning environment thanks to Colby, Erin, and the other participants. My confidence in my camera skills progressed daily, as the constant change of locations and subjects constantly pushed my skills outside of my comfort zone.

I can’t wait to book another workshop! 🙂

Gani A
Posted on:
Wild Patagonia
Saved from fill-the frame and rule-of-thirds

Like most anything, what you get out of workshops depend largely on you, your guide and the weather at your location. You understandably have no control over the last one, some control over the second and complete control over the first one. By going with a Guide like Colby who is always willing to share, you’ll only have to worry about the first.
I tend to think myself as an occasional landscape photographer, as in “if there’s a mountain in front of me, I may take a shot.” Where Colby has really helped was to help me see things a different way from the mold I’ve gotten used-to. Leave some space for the composition to breathe, balance the elements and no, horizon in the middle is not always boring.
Colby makes himself available during workshop photoshoot sessions and afterwards for image review and critique, I suggest you take advantage of those. It’s the fastest way to advance your craft!

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Fall in the Dolomites
Some Great Views and a Great Time

I had been debating a trip to the Dolomites for some time. After going on this workshop the only thing I regret is that I didn’t do it sooner. Just some amazing scenes to photograph and experience. Pedro’s knowledge of the area made we’re very beneficial in having us at the locations we needed to be and when we needed to be there. And he also knows the best places for pizza. Win-Win!!!

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The Wild Faroe Islands
Faroe Islands

Amazing workshop led by Pedro who’s been to this part of this world several times. The weather forecast can change any minute and Pedro knows where and when to go for the best light as one island can be completely engulfed in clouds while the next island has epic clearing. Pedro provides frequent updates, awesome photo tips and is a blast to travel with. Colby has made a perfect choice in choosing Pedro as his main travel destination workshop leader. I would not hesitate to join another workshop as all the other workshops I have attended have been extremely enjoyable!

Shelley Lake
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Costa Rica Wildlife Experience
Colby Brown is the Best!

I had the time of my life! Colby guides you every step of the way, providing help whenever you need it. The itinerary was action packed. Every day was maximized to the hilt. Photographic experiences included extraordinary wildlife perches, birds in flight, extreme animals, reptiles, amphibians and macro photography with flash. We photographed a gazillion varieties of birds, snakes, frogs, insects, sloths and bats! The accommodations were fantastic, the bus was spacious, the food was great, and the staff was informative, patient and always accessible. We were constantly on the move, exploring multiple locations with unimaginable biodiversity. I learned a lot in an atmosphere of sharing without intimidation. I’m looking forward to my next UNFORGETTABLE adventure with Colby Brown!

Posted on:
Fall in the Dolomites
Landscape Photographer’s Dream!

The Dolomites workshop with Pedro and Udo in October this year did not disappoint. This is my second trip with Colby Brown Photography and Pedro and the experience was every bit as good as my first in Patagonia.

The Dolomites is a landscape photographer’s dream, particularly in the autumn as the colours are changing The area is very photogenic and can be very atmospheric.

Pedro and Udo were tireless in taking us to some fantastic locations both at sunrise and sunset with plenty in between.
Their organization was like a well oiled machine and both took great care to communicate the plans, look after us on the walks/hikes.

Their ability to share their photography knowledge enthusiastically was well appreciated by all, offering tips on both settings and composition.

The group make up was excellent and we all learned from each other, both in the field and in processing. This makes these workshops extra special.

The days are long but well worth it!

The only aspect they couldn’t control was the weather, but they could read it very well and they certainly made sure we had great photo opportunities none the less with some great day time trips too.

Time for processing was limited as the days were full, but plenty of photos to process when home.
Their ethos, skill and enthusiasm is what made the workshop unmissable.

Looking forward to the next one!

Adrian Tallack
Posted on:
Iceland Summer Photo Adventure
Iceland Summer Photo Adventure!!

Having been to Iceland twice already in winter under my own steam the initial attraction of the summer workshop with Colby was the fact that everything would look totally different without the snow and ice. I soon realized what a great advantage it was not to be concerned with accommodation (in this case camp sites), transportation or timing for the good light. In fact the light was incredibly good for most of the trip, with the sun dipping below the horizon for a just few short hours between midnight and 3AM.

Colby has been to Iceland more than anyone else that I know and has intimate knowledge of the island and where to be at which time of day to maximize the chances of a productive shoot. There is a high level of preparation with realistic back up options in place should the light or weather not cooperate.

Colby’s has a natural sensitivity towards the individual photographic needs of his customers as well as a profound empathy for people in general. He is fun to be around and is probably also the most traveled person I’ve met.

The high number of repeat customers on each trip is in itself testimony to how good his workshops are. It is always great to see old friends on Colby’s trips and equally good to make new ones.

I would absolutely recommend any of Colby’s workshops to anyone looking to shoot at some of the world’s premier photo locations as well as at many perhaps some people might not have considered.

Pros: Friendships, Relaxed & Stress-free, Meticulous Planning, Great Locations

Cons: I needed to buy a bigger tent, sleeping pad and sleeping bag when I returned!

Posted on:
Not Listed
a fantastic experience

I had a fantastic experience at Colby’s Zion Workshop. I found his advice that he shared throughout the workshop to be very insightful and helpful. Most photographers want to capture those iconic shots at our national parks such as Zion’s Watchman so I especially appreciated his emphasis on approaching things from different perspective that not only allowed us to avoid a few crowds but also gave us the opportunity to capture some of those iconic shots from a fresh vantage point. In between shooting we had some really great conversations and post processing advice that really completed the experience. I give Colby’s workshop my absolute highest recommendation.

Carel Steenkamp
Posted on:
Costa Rica Wildlife Experience

Colby’s combination of knowledge, human skills, drive and passion for what he does is truly inspiring.

As a field guide who has worked with many professional photographers, Colby stands out by a large margin. He’s far from a “know-it-all”, humbly admitting when he does not know what the answer is. I can, however, barely count on one hand the amount of times he didn’t immediately know the answer to a question, and in these situations, he made an effort to quickly get and explain the answer to you.

Colby is a first-class educator, leader and photographer. He has inspired and motivated me in a way no one else has come close to.

At the end of the workshop, you’ll not only leave with a satisfied smirk on your face, but a deeper understanding and appreciation of both nature and photography.

I can’t recommend him enough!

Posted on:
Iceland Summer Photo Adventure
Amazing Photo Workshop

Joined Colby’s Iceland Photography Workshop last September 2014. Had an amazing time shooting incredible Iceland landscape and learning the finer points of photography from Colby. Learnt a great deal about photography as Colby took the effort to spend individual time with each participant to ensure everyone becomes a better photographer. Found Colby to be very approachable and willing to share his knowledge and experience on photography. Hope to join in another Colby’s workshop soon!

Noa D
Posted on:
Myanmar Photo Adventure
A different world

I had Myanmar on my travel list for years and after taking the Lofoten Islands workshop with Colby, it was a no brainer booking this trip with him.

The trip was meticulously planned with everything accounted for, including a great local guide and co leader (Erin). The itinerary was packed and I was pushed outside my comfort zone daily, encouraged to explore and try different things, which paid off big time in some of the images I captured.

I loved learning about the history and culture of Myanmar and the interactions we had with the locals left me with a smile on my face. It added a special touch to the workshop.

We had a great group of photographers, and I am still in contact with most of them. Thank you for the experience in Myanmar and bringing us all together!

Posted on:
Iceland Winter Wonderland
Help when you need it!

Part of travelling is having unforeseen difficulties like terrible weather, inadvertently deleting all your pictures or getting knocked over by waves that you were warned about.

Big thank you to Pedro for his heroic and safe drive through the worst storm Iceland has seen in years. Colby and Pedro can’t change the weather but they can get you through it and make the best of it.

As for deleting all the pictures on a card and emptying your trash, I am guilty as charged. No problem. Colby to the rescue. All my beloved pictures returned.

Oh yes, Colby is also quite good at catching your camera just before it goes for a swim in the ocean.

Thanks for a great and memorable trip.

Whatever doesn’t kill you makes for a great story

Chris Harrison
Posted on:
Brazil – Kingdom of the Jaguars
Pantanal Photography Workshop 2022

When I signed up for the workshop with Colby in the Pantanal, I didn’t really know what to expect. This was my first trip with Colby and my first photography workshop ever! About two months before the trip, his other clients had an emergency and had to push their Pantanal trip to the following year, leaving just my Mom, Colby, and I on the workshop list. Instead of canceling the whole trip, he kept it on, leaving me with a private 1 on 1 trip with Colby. The amount of stuff I learned was unreal, and surpassed anything I could have expected. The instruction was given in a way that I could understand and apply to the next interaction we had with an animal. Colby always put me first, ensuring we had the best spot to photograph the elusive cats that are jaguars. Colby always had a smile on his face, and even when we were waking up at 5AM, he maintained a positive energy, and a joyful mood. His workshops are something I cannot recommend enough for any photographer of any level, as you won’t be disappointed with the tailored experience that you receive when you participate on one of these wild adventures.

David S
Posted on:
Lofoten Islands – Norway
Colby and Lofoten Islands were Terrific

Colby and his staff provided just what I was looking for, a program to improve my photo skills and post processing ability in a most amazing setting. At photo locations, Colby would provide instruction on composition and perspective that improve the appeal of my photos. His expertise and attention to detail were readily apparent. Seeing other photographers work in daily photo review sessions also helped me expand the ways I would approach a scene. This was a most enjoyable way to improve my photography.

Julie P
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Costa Rica Wildlife Experience
Fantastic photographic adventure!!

I really enjoyed the Costa Rica workshop. We went to some stunning locations and the trip was very varied – from boat trips along the river to rainforest walks, a butterfly sanctuary, nighttime outings and a trip into the mountains to see beautiful quetzals and hummingbirds. This was my first experience of macro photography and using a flash and having developed the skills it is something I look forward to using in the future. I particularly loved discovering and photographing the tiny colourful tree frogs and snakes. The local guides were very knowledgeable and helpful and highly skilled at finding and helping to photograph the local wildlife and it was a pleasure to meet them. I definitely recommend this workshop to anyone with an interest in birds or macro photography and Costa Rica is a beautiful country. I have come away with great memories, new friends and a lot of photos I am happy with – I can’t ask for more than that!

Rachel S
Posted on:
Iceland Summer Photo Adventure
Amazing photo tour to Iceland

I toured Iceland with Colby in June 2013 He was the most amazing tour leader one could ever wish for He is a very special person who looked after his group in every way imaginable I always felt safe, comfortable and confident that he would get us to the best possible sites at the right times. He even visited one site several times until the weather finally cooperated for bus to get the shots What could would anyone ask for….

Parker S
Posted on:
Iceland Summer Photo Adventure
Great for Photographers of all levels!

Do not be intimidated to sign up for a photo workshop because you’re not an experienced photographer! Colby does an outstanding job of simplifying and teaching concepts, and is more than willing to spend ample time working with you personally. I came in having very little photography background and I learned more than I could of imagined. Not to mention, Colby is very welcoming and easy to get along with. This was my first experience with photography workshops and it will certainly not be my last. Thanks again for an incredible experience!

Zach Berrens
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India Tiger Safaris
Incredible India!

I had been considering going on a photography workshop for years prior to this trip. During those years, I spent a lot of time exploring the multitude of workshop options available to growing photographers. Colby really stood out because he was consistently said to be a kind and patient teacher, to really want his clients to get great shots (as opposed to only thinking of his own shot), and most importantly to be laid back and fun to travel with. This trip to India validated all of that and more. I am so happy that I went on my first workshop with him, and I’m certain it won’t be my last. From landing in New Delhi to departing back for home, everything ran smoothly. The lodgings were incredibly comfortable, and the food was plentiful and delicious. The Indian jungle is beautiful and filled with wildlife, most importantly tigers. For our trip, Colby hired an additional tiger expert to ride along with us, which greatly enhanced our sightings and ultimately led to us having the best photographic opportunities possible. Beyond tigers, we were lucky enough to have several rare leopard sighings. In addition to that, there were birds, deer, monkeys, and more. Although tigers were our main focus, if the light was good and the animal was interesting, we took advantage of it. Overall, I can’t recommend this trip enough. India is a special place, it is one of the few areas you can see wild tigers, and Colby has the connections and expertise to put you in the best places to see and photograph these amazing animals!

John Ouyang
Posted on:
Wild Patagonia
Focused workshop on Fitz Roy and Torres del Paine!

A very focused workshops on iconic images of Fitz Roy and Torres del Paine. Throughout the workshop I learned a ton and was able to try many new techniques and approaches with my photography. A big thanks Colby and Pedro!

Jeremiah St Ours
Posted on:
Costa Rica Wildlife Experience
Costa Rica Up Close!!!!

Having never signed up for a photo workshop before, I didn’t know quite what to expect. Fortunately, I was in for a treat. Colby and his local guides did a fantastic job of shuttling us around to some beautiful parts of Costa Rica — rife with wildlife — while offering in-depth advice to improve our skills. I was especially interested in learning more about using flash to enhance my macro photography. The results? Well, the results speak for themselves. I wound up with some the best nature close-up images I’ve ever captured. And if all that wasn’t enough, the group of folks who chose to join this workshop were interesting, accomplished — and hilarious! If you’re on the fence about signing up for one of Colby’s workshops, don’t hesitate. In every way they are first-class!

Madhavan Parthasarthy
Posted on:
Fall in the Dolomites
Awesomeness in the Alps!!

My favorite part of this workshop in the Dolomites was the hike up to Cinque Torri followed by the spectacular sunset from the top. The hike up to Tre Cime is also a must-do!

Colby is a phenomenal instructor. He combines humor, deep knowledge of photography, and an expert understanding of light, location, and timing to guide the group to the perfect locations at the right time. I came away with a much better understanding of composition and post-processing, which were my two main goals for this workshop. I’m already looking forward to the next workshops with Colby!

Posted on:
Wild Patagonia
An Unforgettable Experience!

It was a great trip, where I was able to photograph some of the most beautiful landscapes. Pedro has assisted me with valuable photography tips during the whole trip and showed us the best locations of each destination. As a newer photographer, Pedro helped me find new confidence during this Argentina Adventure Workshop. This was my 4th trip with Colby Brown Photography Workshops and I loved all of them. Colby was very helpful and extremely flexible with my trips.
Thank you so much Colby and Pedro for everything!

Clodagh M
Posted on:
Lofoten Islands – Norway
A must for Every Landscape Photographer

I originally signed up for the workshop with Colby to become more familiar with my Sony mirrorless camera. I had not anticipated seeing the Northern lights but Colby’s experience with chasing the aurora gave us a number of opportunities. He managed to get us to the best locations just in time (no waiting for hours in the cold) to capture these dancing lights against stunning backdrops . This was where Colby’s experience really came to the fore.

Colby is a great educator . Both he and Pedro were very patient and always on hand for advice during those panic moments (of which I had many) as you’re trying to catch that perfect image . We also got individual critiques of our images, post processing tips and for me great camera setting advice.

I would highly recommend going on tour with Colby if you want to improve your photographic skills in amazing locations, meet great people ,stay in stunning accommodation right on the water and most importantly come home with a new approach to landscape photography. Thank you Colby and Pedro !

Posted on:
Uganda – Kingdom of the Silverback Gorilla
So Generous with his Time!

Colby is so helpful & always knows how to resolve any issue I needed to fix! Super nice & easy going – fun!

Greg B.
Posted on:
Iceland Summer Photo Adventure
Amazing photography tour and workshop

What an experience! We traveled to some amazing locations and received great guidance from Colby and Peyton. I’m a better photographer because of it. The group size was ideal and the other photographers were motivating and fun to be around. I have memories that will last a lifetime.

Gerold Merker
Posted on:
Costa Rica Wildlife Experience
Another Great Costa Rica Trip!

Late in October 2023, I received a call from my friend, Warren Treacher, asking me if I would like to accompany him to Costa Rica in January 2024. After much thought (for an hour or so) I signed up for the Colby Brown Costa Rica Photography Workshop. To say I am pleased with this company is an understatement! All the people involved were experts in their field: from the chauffeur to the guides to Colby himself, all were in top form. We visited four different locales, each providing unique photographic experiences. Every day, Colby seemed to pull magic out of his sleeve, which only increased daily! He is an expert photographer who is very knowledgeable in all camera formats. He never tired of having to answer the same questions every day. His calm demeanor was refreshing to experience.

Colby was clear before we went out on our experiences about what camera lenses we should use and what items we would need to bring to make that experience comfortable. The chauffeur, Wilson, was an unbelievable driver. He was always cautious, never got lost and at times would fill us in on the history of his country. The chief guide, Ken, was an expert birder and photographer who would help us with bird identification and our photography. A bonus was the group we went with. All the people who participated in the workshop were fun-loving and experienced photographers which added to the experience. I cannot recommend Colby Brown’s workshop highly enough to anyone interested in world travel and nature photography!

Adam B
Posted on:
Lofoten Islands – Norway
Fantastic Trip

Not sure what I was looking for other than an adventure and some photography time when I signed up, I was surprised with the amount of knowledge I took away from this trip. Learning what to look for, how to delve deeper into your compositions and better post processing tips have all truly changed my photography for the better.

John & Jennifer G.
Posted on:
Not Listed
We had an excellent trip

We had an excellent trip with Colby Brown, Jay Patel, and Varina Patel. The trip was well put together and we saw much of the big island. We felt we learned more about landscape photography and photography in general than in any other workshop we have attended. Many techniques were new to us and have improved our approach to photography.

Elaine H.
Posted on:
Iceland Winter Wonderland
WOW WOW WOW! Just incredible…

There are almost no words to describe how truly amazing the Iceland Winter Wonderland was and I feel it exceeded my expectations. When I initially found Colby, I was blown away by the images of this trip including the aurora borealis, ice caves and diamond beach. The excitement at seeing the northern lights and the stars was unbelievable.

Colby was so generous with his instruction on achieving the best shot and went above and beyond to make sure I was getting the images I wanted. I also picked up quite a few new editing skills in LR and PS. The trip was well organized and we were able to see so much, including Icelandic horses, waterfalls, glaciers.

I appreciated the time he took to form a group page prior to our workshop. I felt the group dynamic was great for learning and walked away with a group of new friends to share and learn from.

Thank you for giving me a once in a lifetime experience!! I hope to do it again at a new location.

Debbie and Tom
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Costa Rica Wildlife Experience
An Amazing Costa Rican Experience!

This was our first tour with Colby and upon arrival we were quite anxious to embark on our journey, which started almost immediately after introductions and a brief meeting regarding logistics. Our tour was broken up into 4 different locales, each offering something unique. Whether we were photographing the exotic and beautiful birds of Costa Rica, the colorful and unique reptiles and amphibians, or the amazing bats, it was always a thrill, so much so that at the end of each day we would say “that was my favorite part so far”, day after day. New for us was the macro work, as well as the flash skills, which we both hope to use again in the future. Each day seemed to build on the next. Colby was great at making sure that we all were comfortable with our cameras and settings and was particularly skilled at bringing everyone’s skills up to speed, answering questions along the way … and believe me, we didn’t hold back. LOL. Even more than that, he always made sure to not only answer our questions, but also took the time to challenge us to be sure that we understood why. His local guide and assistant during our tour, Kenneth, was equally amazing and a skilled photographer as well, so that was an added bonus. Both were quite passionate, whether herping or birding, it was quite infectious, and before long we found ourselves just as excited. Every part of the tour was so well executed, the lodges were quite comfortable and our meals were delicious. An amazing trip, so much learned, new experiences galore, great conversations, lots of laughs, and many new friends made along the way. As we said earlier, this was our first trip with Colby … and we doubt it will be our last. Thanks so much!

Vicky S.
Posted on:
Iceland Summer Photo Adventure
Great leadership cultivates magical outcomes

Iceland was my first photography workshop. I lucked out with Colby Brown and Ken Kaminesky as the leaders. I had a significant amount of camera equipment about which I knew little more than there were a lot of buttons. Colby and Ken were pretty amazing in that they were able to accomodate such a beginner yet not slight the more advanced participants. They were also quite adept at dancing with Mother Nature and her incessant interference with the logistical plans. We were an eclectic group that developed into an awesome group if I might be so boastful. Great leadership cultivates magical outcomes.

Posted on:
Wild Patagonia
Wild Patagonia!

This workshop was my first, but certainly not my last. Everything is well organized so you do not have to develop plans of where and when to go. Colby and Pedro have been coming to Patagonia annually for years and know all the iconic photography spots that do not need too much physical effort to get to. They are extremely personable and willing to help with compositions, camera settings and sharing their knowledge of the photography world. Extremely happy to have signed up for this trip!

Beth K Chou
Posted on:
Wild Patagonia
My Photography Dreams Came True!

As a beginner, I found our adventure in Patagonia to be extremely helpful. I feel much more confident when it comes to using my Sony camera, editing images with Lightroom, and finding the best light and composition for my photos. Colby and Pedro were always available for our questions! On top of that, I was recovering from a leg injury but Colby and Pedro provided exceptional assistance to make this trip possible. A huge thank you to Pedro for carrying my backpack & helping me each step of the way. By far this photography workshop was one of best trips I have ever taken!

Noa D
Posted on:
Lofoten Islands – Norway
Passion ignited

Lofoten Islands was the first photography workshop I have taken and as someone fairly new to photography at the time, it was also first time I got any hands on photography guidance. I was worried I was a bit over my head when I signed up, but the desire to photograph the northern lights outweighed my self doubt. From the moment I landed in the tiny Leknes airport, it was clear I was where I needed to be.

Colby and Peyton were welcoming, patient when answering my endless questions and helpful with everything from composition to gear to post processing. They provided individual attention and tailored the experience to each person as much as possible. As a result, I left a much better and more confident photographer than when I arrived.

Outside the fantastic location, epic light, seeing the northern lights for the first time and learning opportunities, the best part of attending a workshop is the people you meet along the way. Colby and Peyton are not only great photographers and instructors, but also great individuals, which in my eyes that makes the experience even better.

I left the trip wanting to photograph more, learn more and explore more. Highly recommended.

Julie P
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Alaskan Bald Eagle Winter Adventure
Amazing Eagle Photography in Alaska!!

I enjoyed every moment of the eagle workshop in Alaska with Colby. We saw more bald eagles than I could count every day and had plenty of opportunities for taking good photos close into the action. The surroundings were stunningly beautiful with snowy peaks visible in every direction. It was a fantastic opportunity to improve my wildlife photography skills. I also learned a lot from our evenings spent editing photos and Colby was very patient with his explanations, answering all my questions about using lightroom and photoshop.
Visiting the wildlife preserve during the week was a unique experience and a highlight, we were able to photograph a lynx, a wolverine, a red fox, and a snowy owl up close.
I highly recommend this workshop to anyone who likes wildlife!

Victor A
Posted on:
Iceland Winter Wonderland
An Unforgettable Experience!

I can’t wait to have the opportunity to take another trip with Colby. I feel I learned so much more than just photography skills. Colby’s knowledge of the area, tips and guidance is immensely appreciated and I was welcomed by an amazing group of photographers. I enjoyed every second of our trip and would highly recommend it to anyone in search of a professional photography workshop.

Elizabeth Brooke
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Namibian Desert Adventure
I would go again!!!

This trip to Namibia was my second trip with Colby and I plan on a third with him in January 2023 in Costa Rica. Colby has traveled globally for decades and has a deep understanding of each country where he offers workshops. This is advantageous for us as he has done all the advanced groundwork and location scouting, optimizing our time. Colby also secured the best accommodations as we traveled to each spot in Namibia. Both workshop groups were small enough for individual attention when needed and diverse enough to provide each other with our unique photographic perspectives. We ranged in age from early 20’s to mid-70’s and varied in our skill level but we were a cohesive and mutually supportive group. I look forward to photographing hummingbirds and learning new macro skills with Colby in January.

Rena G
Posted on:
Iceland Summer Photo Adventure
Iceland Workshop June 2017

I loved this workshop, here is why;Colby Brown, and his co-leader, assistant Peyton Hale are amazing human beings, dependable, efficient, prompt, kind, funny, hopeful, and adept planners and problem solvers and did I say amazing photographers and teachers.Colby from the first second I emailed him was immediately responsive, available and a helpful guide and continued all the way through.He was indefatigable in finding us beautiful light and places to photograph.

He taught me to pitch a tent in under 5 minutes and was available on all sites for an immediate consultation on composition, technique, art. He and Peyton , even went out of their way to find me gluten free lactose free vegan ice cream for my birthday in the outer lands of Iceland.They cared completely about our safety and well being, and when a fellow photographer fell ill and then fortunately better, they facilitated prompt and good medical care for him .They had a schedule that was flexible enough so if one needed some personal space to explore on one’s own , one could have that oppotrunity in all of the sites that we photographed.

For me, it was a gift to sleep outdoors next to rushing water falls, birds singing, sheep sighing, wind rustling and then get up to photograph. Iceland has vast immense beauty, grace, ruggedness, yet sublime elegance all of which was able to be seen and felt with the expert guidance of Colby Brown and Peyton Hale. I had dreamed of going to Iceland since childhood, and Colby helped me finally bring such a dream come to fruition.I am grateful to have experienced both subtle and dramatic light on this beautiful island and have captured images that will lift my spirit for many years as I remember the wonderful memories and the wonderful people that I met. And most importantly I met the finest of people in Colby and Peyton and have a deep love for Iceland which I hope to return to many times.

I would love to join Colby in other photographic adventures that he guides in other places on this beautiful planet, our home, Earth.

Stephen B.
Posted on:
Uganda – Kingdom of the Silverback Gorilla
A Bucket List Must Do!

This was my second workshop with Colby, and the adventure exceeded my expectations again!

We had an amazing journey searching for chimpanzees at Kibale Naitonal Park and enjoyed both a land and river safari where we captured incredible images of all types of Ugandan wildlife at Queen Elizabeth National Park. Of course, the highlight of the trip was our trek to find and photograph the Silverback Gorillas in the Bwindi Impenetrable National Park. The name says it all and it left an indelible mark on all of us as we followed our guide literally cutting a path through the jungle to these majestic gorillas. Wow! What a thrill of a lifetime! Seeing them in the wild is absolutely a “must do” bucket list item for all nature lovers out there!.

As an alumnus of the CB photography workshops, the constant themes have been education, high energy, and fun-filled. I also met great people who have become friends for life as we share our love of photography.

Highly recommended for anyone looking for adventure and wanting to grow in their photography skills no matter the level. Well done, Colby!

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Costa Rica Wildlife Experience
Unforgettable Costa Rica Photography Adventure!!

I recently had the pleasure of attending my first tour with Colby Brown, an experience that exceeded all my expectations. As someone who has been on numerous other photography workshops (with different companies), I can confidently say that Colby’s workshop was a cut above the rest. Unlike some workshop leaders, Colby took the time on every shoot to check in with each participant to ensure they got the best shots possible. He was always on hand to share his expertise or provide guidance when needed. He was assisted for the full trip by a local guide called Kenneth, whose extensive knowledge of the region and wildlife (including bird calls!) was a major plus for the whole group.

The trip included numerous dedicated sessions for different species, including quetzals, hummingbirds, owls, and vultures. We gained valuable experience in multi-flash photography for both bats and hummingbirds, with most of the necessary equipment provided for us. However, the definite highlight for me was learning about macro photography using our own flash, which has the potential to create stunning and unique images. We applied what we were taught to shoot various species of frogs and snakes, both during a night walk and under more controlled setups. For each session, Colby teamed up with local experts to ensure maximum quality and safety, which allowed us to focus on capturing the perfect shot. The images I was able to take far exceeded what I imagined (my favourite shots from the workshop can be found in the link), and I’m so grateful for the opportunity to have learned from such a talented and experienced photographer.

If you’re looking for a photography workshop that provides you with the opportunity to photograph some of the most colourful and amazing wildlife species on the planet, while learning how to be a better photographer, I highly recommend Colby Brown’s Costa Rica Wildlife Photography Workshop. You won’t regret it!

Robert C
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Iceland Summer Photo Adventure
Iceland with Colby Brown

Hands down an incredible experience and a trip that completely full-filled my expectations of what a photography adventure tour to Iceland would be like. For nine days, Colby’s knowledge of the island, it’s locations, food, weather patterns, flat tire fixing abilities, drone piloting, and his ardent sense of camaraderie, spirit, and care, were on display. We were consistently on the best light, at the right time, in all the locations we visited. We were treated to waterfalls, icebergs, mountains, secret canyons, lupines and churches, and arguably the No 1 and No 2 pizzas I have ever eaten – bar none! It was just fantastic! Do not hesitate. Go with Colby!

Peter Z
Posted on:
Iceland Winter Wonderland
An Experience of a Lifetime!

Let’s face it, most of us who come on workshops like this are very unlikely to give up our day jobs and persue a career in photography. But we all love the craft and we all want to improve. Coming on this tour, I walked away a better photographer than I was coming into it and, for just a few days, enjoyed the experience of feeling a bit like a professional photographer. I don’t think there was much more I could have hoped for from this workshop.

Colby is an inspiration and a real people person. He is great with helping people to move forward in their craft, whatever their level, but not by hand-holding or doing it for you. His method is better because he helps you learn it for yourself and that stays with you.

The workshop is very thoughtfully put together, and even when we didn’t have the best weather Colby ensured we put the time to good use by hosting editing sessions. We were never bored and the camaraderie of the group was strong.

The greatest compliment that I can give Colby for his workshop experience, is that I can’t wait to have the privilege to do one again. I confess, for two nights after my return, I just dreamt of the northern lights and ice caves. I also walked away with new friends with a similar level of passion for photography. If you love photography, don’t even hesitate, make the most of the chance to have the Colby Brown experience and sign up! Now!

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Wild Patagonia
Patagonia Dreaming

I have always wanted to visit the wild, unpredictable and rugged landscape of Patagonia and I am really happy I got to finally have this experience through the Wild Patagonia Workshop with Colby & Predro. Really enjoyed the locations we stayed, the group we travelled with and the photographic knowledge, advice and instruction freely provided by both Colby and Pedro – all made for a great & memorable trip with some awesome photos too !. Thank you!

Jim Bennett
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Alaskan Bald Eagle Winter Adventure
Chilkat Eagle Preserve Workshop Experience


I wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed the trip to Alaska to photograph the eagles. The accommodations and everything else were fantastic. More importantly, the eagles couldn’t have been better. Steve and I enjoyed our time with you and thanks again for a fantastic trip.


Jim Bryla
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Myanmar Photo Adventure
Myanmar Workshop – Photography Nirvana

I have traveled a fare amount but only recently picked up photography and considered myself a budding enthusiast at best before taking this workshop, as such I was a little concerned about my lack of experience joining the workshop. My concerns quickly disappeared as Colby (and Erin) created a very supportive and encouraging environment for our group of skilled and aspiring photographers. Colby and Erin were very responsive to our needs and did an excellent job providing individualized coaching and instruction as individuals asked for suggestions or feedback. Of course Myanmar has a fantastic array of diverse subjects and locales to shoot including some glorious sunrise / sunsets over Buddhist temples, daily life at monasteries, portraiture of monks and long neck hill tribe, traditional leg rowing fishermen at Inle Lake and lots of opportunities to immerse into the culture of local ethnic groups. In short I feel this workshop elevated my photography skills and confidence 300% (and of course I brought home soooo many great photos!)

On a separate note the I wanted to mention the overall quality and participant experience of the trip organization and logistics. I have been blessed to have traveled with National Geographic Expeditions, National Geographic Adventures and G-Adventures tours on several continents so I feel I have a good reference point. Despite the idiosyncrasies of travel inside third world countries and vagaries of weather Colby and staff did an excellent job communicating expectations and were prepared with good alternatives when needed. Details for hotels, ground transportation, baggage, domestic flights and restaurants where all meticulously arranged in advance, providing what I thought was a seamless and hassle-free travel experience.

In summary I think the Myanmar Workshop was a perfect blend of culturally immersive travel and photography. To quote Henry Miler “One’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things.” By that metric the Myanmar Workshop succeeded in helping me to see new potential in my craft and a new appreciation for the beautiful country and people of Myanmar.

Timothy Nadiope
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Kenya – The Great Migration
Unforgettable Experience

As a tour guide from Uganda in Africa, Having just returned from a workshop with Colby in Kenya, I am still absorbing the impact of our extraordinary experience in Kenya. Colby orchestrated an intense itinerary for our group. A game drive in the Maasai Mara was one of the most amazing and unforgettable lifetime experiences. The trip was well organized, flexible where needed, and a lot of fun. The accommodations Colby chose allowed us to easily interact with the Kenyan people who were kind, friendly and welcoming.

Regarding the Mara game drive, we saw lots of animals fascinated with how up-close one can get to the Lions as a photographer your left with lots of options for your great shots. Though this required a lot of patience besides the excitements, these were breathtaking images I’ll never forget!

One key aspect that makes Colby’s workshops standout are the sessions he holds throughout the trip to review your photos and offer suggestions on composition, settings and postprocessing. Colby has truly made me a much better “photographer”!

Dana Cano
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Bolivia – Salar de Uyuni Astro Workshop
Beautiful Bolivia!

I am so thankful to have joined this workshop. There is no way I would have been able to coordinate all that we were able to do and see on my own. Extensive planning had to go into this trip for it to run as smoothly as it did. We made the most out of our time there and got to see and experience more than I could have imagined. We had a local guide who was a wealth of knowledge, excellent drivers that were familiar with all the difficult terrains, and I learned so much from Colby about Astro photography and post processing. What I liked about this workshop is that although it was centered around Astro photography, we had the opportunity to also shoot various landscapes, wildlife and do some street photography as well.
As with all of Colby’s workshops, you are guaranteed to have a wonderful experience. His passion for photography is evident and he is an exceptional teacher. Even if it is freezing cold outside or early in the morning, his upbeat and positive attitude set the tone for it to be a great experience.
I loved this workshop, and highly recommend it!

Fatrice B.
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Brazil – Kingdom of the Jaguars
Jaguars of the Pantanal

I have gone on a number of workshops with Colby and never been disappointed. This recent trip to the Pantanal for jaguars was no exception. My anticipation was quickly rewarded the moment I laid eyes on that first jaguar walking along the river bank. As with other CB wildlife workshops, the proximity we were to the jaguars was an absolute thrill!! My first thought was “Nope, I’m definitely not at the zoo!” That said, Colby, Fernando and the drivers made sure we were always safe and taking no risks. In addition to shooting the jaguars and their cute cubs, we also captured ocelots, caiman, otters and a variety of monkeys and birds. Each day was divided into morning and afternoon sessions. This structure worked well because of the blistery heat we were experiencing. It also gave us an opportunity to backup our photos, review and make any corrections before going out again. Colby always made himself available for questions.

The lodging was very good and so was the food. Had a great variety including some traditional Brazilian cuisine. I fell in love with their cheese balls! They are a MUST! The one thing I would change for myself is learning more basic Portuguese. Thanks to our guide Fernando and Al, a fellow participant, I managed.

I highly recommend this workshop and any other one Colby offers. Each will provide you with an unforgettable experience. Colby is always upbeat and a blast to be around. Always keeps you laughing. He is an excellent photographer and his “teaching” style is wonderful. Can’t go wrong joining any of his adventures. Oh,don’t forget the bug spray!!!

Chrissy D
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Iceland Winter Wonderland
Elevating Your Landscape Photography

Colby’s relaxed teaching approach enables students of all levels to benefit from his workshops. Whether shooting iceberg chucks on black sand beaches or chasing the dancing lights of the aurora, Colby’s individual teaching approach will help you become a better photographer. No matter your level of knowledge, he allows ample time for discussions and creates a comfortable environment for attendees to ask anything, from questions on the basics of photography to in-depth technical discussions. There is no end to the amount of knowledge you can gain if you keep asking questions.

Cannon Spradley
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Fall in the Dolomites
Just do it!

Italy on its own is amazing, but Colby somehow makes it even better. Also, the beautiful hikes help to balance out the delicious carbs, so it’s a win-win.

If you’ve ever considered taking a workshop with Colby, just do it already. He is personable, knowledgeable, helpful, and his workshops are next-level experiences. And he’s there for advice and helps long after you fly home. I’ve been on several workshops with Colby and keep coming back for more.

Benjamin Y.
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Iceland Winter Wonderland
Full service photography workshop experience!

I attended the Iceland Winter Workshop in Winter 2017. Although weather conditions didn’t hold up (you can never expect anything in Iceland) Colby and his assistant Peyton made sure we still had an amazing experience and that we took advantage of every moment of light, weather pattern, or clear sky possible. They both were organized and made sure we were more then prepared for the trip starting months before the workshop and from the moment we arrived in Iceland everything was well organized. I liked that nothing was too set in stone as this allowed us flexibility to take advantage of the every changing weather conditions. It also helps that Colby has been to Iceland almost 30 times so he definitely knows the country well. The small group size allowed for more personal attention as well as development of camaraderie amongst ourselves, so much that we have planned future workshops together. I’m looking forward to coming back again and wouldn’t hesitate to do the exact same workshop as I feel like I only scratched the surface of photographic possibilities to be had in Iceland.

Julie Pritchard
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Lofoten Islands – Norway
Excellent workshop

My week in Norway with these guys was interesting, educational, fun, beautiful and awe-inspiring. I feel that my photography knowledge and skills benefitted enormously. Colby is amazing, very friendly, knowledgeable and approachable. The locations were fantastic and even though the weather didn’t do us any favors we made the most of what we got and spent the time when we couldn’t shoot looking at the photos we took and how to edit them. Everyone was able to work at their own pace and improve whatever their level.

Thank you to Pedro for your endless patience as a teacher and being there when I needed help and showing me how to improve my composition and editing which I was struggling with. The individual feedback on my photos was invaluable and your explanations were perfect, I hope to have the opportunity to learn more from you in the future.

I have come home totally in love with photography and am already choosing my next workshop and can’t wait to spend more time touring, shooting and learning from these guys. I can’t recommend the experience enough.

Donna Sabavala
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Wild Patagonia
First Time Workshop!!

I recently returned from the Wild Patagonia workshop which I attended with my husband who is a keen photographer. For a long time he has wanted to do a photographic tour and we were both keen to travel to Patagonia so decided to give Colby’s workshop a go. So glad we did ……As a complete beginner I was quite overwhelmed on the first morning’s shoot but Colby and Pedro were quick to give instruction and advice, immediately putting me at ease. Their encouragement and support was invaluable and I learnt so much. I have come away with a new found interest which I can now share with my husband!

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Not Listed
Truly inspirational!

We arrived to the famous “Racetrack” in Death Valley around 4:00 pm after setting our camp site a few miles away. As we walked in , I saw two large buses load several dozen “photographers” from other workshops to head back to their hotels. Our small group had the place to ourselves that sunset, during the night and the next sunrise!” For those chasing the best light, there is no other way. Colby knows it and his workshops are designed to provide participants with an intimate and unique experience. Truly inspirational!

David Wells
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Mongolia Eagle Hunter Adventure

Mongolia is an absolutely amazing place, a world of endless vistas, interesting people, fascinating cultures and endless photographic opportunities. At every turn, Colby exceeded expectations. Our accommodations, transportation, meals, and especially the in-country support staff and models he hired were all superb. Taking it to a whole other level, Colby noted the particular wishes of those of us on this trip to have musical experiences, home-cooked meals and to see ancient pictographs carved in rock and he surprised us with opportunities that weren’t on the official agenda. In short, though Colby was well organized and prepared. He was flexible and responsive to the needs of the group. As a result we all had a fabulous time.
So I not only recommend Mongolia, I recommend Colby wherever he may lead a tour. This is my fifth time out with him and he keeps getting better.
If you want to read about my particular experience in Mongolia and the photos, I took there, you can visit my blog at

Caleb Aschkynazo
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Iceland Winter Wonderland
Simply The BEST

The best people, led by the best guide, brought to the best places, added up to I had the BEST TIME! They helped me when I needed and let me do my thing when I didn’t. I will be back for more! I LOVE these guys!

Rifat H
Posted on:
Discover Cuba
Beyond Expectations!

The trip to Cuba was out of this world; Colby and his team’s meticulous attention to detail and elaborate plans for each hour of each day made it a very efficient photo trip. The things we did and the places we went would never be possible without the insider knowledge and experience Colby had. The photography instructions were always kind and I learned many new things not only from Colby but also from my travel mates. I highly recommend at least one trip with Colby. After that, you should be hooked!

Megan J.
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Iceland Summer Photo Adventure
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Lofoten Islands – Norway
Love the workshops

I’ve been on two trips with Colby. Iceland in the summer and Norway in the winter. Both were very different experiences, but I could see my skill growing with each trip. Colby knows great spots to hit for amazing light and can answer any question you throw at him. I love the groups because I learn from the questions they have and the different views everyone has. The trips are fun and beneficial. I will definitely be going back to these places someday.

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Namibian Desert Adventure
First trip with Colby-Not the last!

A Once-in-a-lifetime experience in Namibia! Goes without saying that you will acquire lots of photography skills, even though you may think you already have them. Nothing compares to having a guide who’s been there and knows where to go and when and how. I was not in my comfort zone, which is exactly what I needed to grow both professionally and personally. Well done!

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Not Listed
wholeheartedly recommended

A tremendous experience. Travelling with Colby is a just great. Trip was carefully planned, we were always on the good side of the light and I personally learned a lot. Following my first trip to Nicaragua with Colby in 2012, I booked again for Hawaii in 2014. Same spirit, care and enjoyment.

Haytham Samarchi
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Lofoten Islands – Norway
A Fantastic Aurora Experience!

We had a very productive workshop in the Lofoten Islands chasing the Aurora Boreales and shooting sunrises and sunsets at stunning seascapes. Pedro Kin and Stan Moniz did a great job finding locations where the Aurora was visible and active. The workshop logistics (transportation, lodging, grocery shopping, ..) ran very smoothly. The group text setup by Pedro was a plus keeping everyone in sync and communicating next shoot instructions. The cabins were clean, comfortable and roomy. The kitchen was reasonably stocked, but the refrigerator was small and had no freezer, which made food prep a bit of a challenge. All in all, it was a fantastic experience with awesome images and new friends!

Elizabeth Brooke
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Costa Rica Wildlife Experience
My third trip with Colby!

This is my third trip with Colby. Each adventure with him has provided me with new skills and understanding in my pursuit of photography. On this trip, I learned so much: 1) How to pair my camera with a remote for flash 2)What settings to use for flash 3) Shooting macro 4) It is tough to shoot hummingbirds 5) Night photography is a blast 6)Don’t carry around a heavy tripod (I bought the featherweight Leofoto tripod for the next trip) 7) Gimbals are better than fluid heads for fast moving animals and birds 8) It is ok to ask for help 9) Just when one thinks one cannot go any further, one can (with a little help from my friends). Costa Rica is an easy country to get to from the states, the roads are good, and the locations are not too spread apart. Because Colby has been to Costa Rica numerous times, he has insider knowledge of the best possible places to find wildlife to photograph. Our great and cohesive group had an optimal and rewarding experience.

Andrew Soh
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Iceland Summer Photo Adventure
Fantastic trip – volcano, puffins, waterfalls, oh myyyyyy!

This is my fourth adventure trip with Colby Brown, and my second to Iceland. I am a landscape photographer for over 10 years and I’m still learning new things from Colby. Do not be intimidated by his world-renowned photos. He is a patient coach and will guide you through fundamental photography techniques and advanced photo editing skills.

The entire group was a mix of pros and hobbyist photogs. Even though some of us were new to the group, we soon became friends and were helping in setting up tents, camera configuration, and sharing equipment!

Mario Valkenborg
Posted on:
Fall in the Dolomites
Highly recommended superb workshop

The Workshop was a great experience and highly recommended for anyone who enjoys photographing landscapes.
The workshop leaders, Pedro and Ugo, were very helpful and showed us the best places in the area, also great personalities.
The group clicked from the first minute and everyone helped everyone, both during the trip and during the post-processing of the images taken.
I have already attended several Colby Brown workshops and there is always this great atmosphere in the group!
The rooms in the hotels and the breakfast were great!
Thank you so much to everyone for this wonderful experience!!!!

Chris Marler
Posted on:
Wild Patagonia
A Tremendous Workshop!

I had very high expectations for the 2023 Patagonia workshop with Colby Brown. Not only did the workshop meet my lofty expectations, but it was also one of my favorite workshops over the last 20 years. I returned home with so many incredible photos! I attribute that success to Colby’s dedication of getting clients to the right locations at the right time. His flexibility based on current weather conditions was key, and his thorough knowledge of the area allowed us to capture those epic shots. Colby and Pedro Kin were also a blast to hang out with, which made the Patagonia workshop even more enjoyable. Thank you, Colby, for an amazing workshop!

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Costa Rica Wildlife Experience
Costa Rica Adventure with Colby

My first workshop Colby far exceeded expectations. Our first session began just a couple of hours after being picked up at the airport; and we finish the last day also taking full advantage of the opportunities, right up till the end of the workshop. The variety of wildlife and settings ensured that we walked away with a well rounded portfolio.
Colby is a generous educator that shares his deep knowledge of photography in various specialties, explains with great clarity how to take full advantage of the imaging tools, and allows us to benefit from his knowledge of the region, and wildlife behavior.
Colby and his team set us up in the right places at the right time to walk away with the best examples of photography I’ve ever taken. More importantly, he fundamentally expanded my understanding of techniques as well as the elements that make photographs stand out, tell a story and elicit emotions.

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Costa Rica Wildlife Experience
Great Wildlife and Learning Experience!

Colby and his outstanding Costa Rican bird expert, Kenneth, made this a successful and very memorable trip. As a biologist, I had been wanting to go to Costa Rica for decades, and this workshop exceeded my expectations. I photographed dozens of wildlife species that were completely new to me — birds, a sloth, frogs, snakes, and nectar-feeding bats. I also had no previous experience with using flash to photograph the latter three species groups, so those sessions were instructive and produced great photos, too. Much to my surprise, we also saw iconic male Quetzal birds in the cloud forest. Colby chose excellent and easily-accessible locations for photographing a diverse range of wildlife, at both feeders and in the wild. The accommodations were generally very good, even though some of them were quite remote. The workshop attracted a fun group of serious photographers, so the week was both amusing and rewarding. I highly recommend this workshop to others!

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Brazil – Kingdom of the Jaguars
Land of the Jaguar!

I very much enjoyed the week-long workshop in Brazil and I highly recommend this workshop to anyone with an interest in wildlife photography! The priority was photographing the jaguars and we got so many sightings that I lost count! We also saw and photographed other animals such as caiman, various birds and, on the first and last nights, ocelots from a specially set up hide. The format of the workshop was morning and evening boat trips cruising the river in small, maneuverable motor boats driven by experienced and very capable local guides, so almost all of the photography was done from the boats. The jaguars come to the river bank to hunt in the dry season and the area is known for its large jaguar population, which is why there is a high chance of success in photographing them. The weather was very hot and the sun is intense – as much sun protection as possible and a buff proved very useful! This workshop is ideal for anyone who is not looking for a physical challenge as we spent most of the time sitting down, it was all very relaxed. I also appreciated not having to travel with lots of gear – just a long lens. The food was buffet style in the 2 hotels we stayed at and it was delicious!

I learnt a lot, as is always the case with Colby, came away with thousands of images of jaguars and loved my first trip to Brazil!

Adrian Tallack
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Bolivia – Salar de Uyuni Astro Workshop
Don’t Go On This Workshop! (Just Kidding)…

Another meticulously organized workshop from Colby Brown in Bolivia! Experienced, responsible and helpful drivers of appropriate vehicles, excellent local guide, best available accommodation along with Colby’s vast experience of all things people and photography made for a first class experience.

The workshop was centered around astrophotography in the Salar de Uyuni with an additional trip to the high altitude southern part of the Bolivian altiplano near the border with Chile. Most people had acclimatized to the 14,000 feet Salar by the time we ventured even higher so that most negative effects were kept to a minimum – also due to not having to hike great distances to reach shooting locations.

The workshop offered the opportunity for a wide variety of photography from drone, people and street (in La Paz and Uyuni), wildlife in and around Laguna Colorada as well as landscape with some amazing light at both ends of the day.

Bolivia is not easy to travel to from the USA and the entry and exit requirements are cumbersome and bureaucratic but it was an excellent week spent with friends that produced a high number of photographic keepers.

I would suggest nobody else sign up for this workshop so that we keep these locations secret for as long as possible!

David W
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Wild Patagonia
Exceeded my expectations!

I went on a Colby Brown workshop in Patagonia to shoot the Fall colors with turquoise lakes and impossibly shaped mountains. It was a landscape I had long dreamed of seeing and photographing. Colby and his assistant Peyton Hale provided everything our group needed logistically as well as photographically. Whether I needed to change my money to the local currency or improve my skill in Photoshop, Colby and Peyton had an answer to every issue that arose on the trip. Peyton even gave me a spare battery and duct taped my headlamp together when I dropped and broke it. I am currently signed up to go to Iceland with them and hope to take many more Colby Brown photography workshops in the future. I highly recommend a Colby Brown Photography Tour.

Julie Pritchard
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Greenland Red Sails Photo Adventure
A Unique Photographic Experience!!!

Another educational and enjoyable workshop with Colby Brown, joined this time by guides Albert Dros and Cruz Quinn who were also excellent. We stayed in a very nice hotel overlooking the ice fjord and close to the harbour. Every night we went out on the 2 sailing boats to look for photo opportunities and took it in turns posing for each other with the red sails up. Depending on where you come from sleep patterns are rather disrupted with being out on the boats from around 10pm-6am every day and then sleeping during the day. Sunlight was 24 hours in July with the sun dipping to the horizon around 2am providing some beautiful light for photography. The icebergs are very impressive and quite surreal, we were lucky with good weather every day. We ate out at a local settlement one night where we saw sled dog puppies and a couple of whales on the way there. It was also the first time I had used a drone and with help and support from the guides I got some good images and video from the air too. It got chilly on the boats but they are very comfortable with seating areas for warming up inside, great crew, good supplies of hot drinks and snacks and equipped with toilets. I definitely recommend this workshop to visit a special place and for some unique landscape photographs of icebergs.

Karen K
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Iceland Summer Photo Adventure
Such a Fantastic Experience!

Colby’s workshop was truly an awesome experience. Iceland is amazing and Colby had every detail set so we didn’t have to worry about anything but photography. The vibe was laid back and the plans were flexible around the ever-changing weather conditions. I learned a lot and made some lifelong friends in the process. I couldn’t have asked for anything better and would do it again in a heartbeat.

Madhavan Parthasarthy
Posted on:
Wild Patagonia
Pink Patagonian Sunrises!

This was my second workshop with Colby. I had done the Dolomites workshop last year and had a great time. Patagonia exceeded my expectations! From the workshop start in Punta Arenas to the time in Torres del Paine National Park, Colby had all the best locations scouted with backup plans and contingencies for every scenario. My personal favorite on this trip was sunrise at Hosteria Pehoe from the lagoon overlooking the Cuernos. The day started off rainy but the skies cleared with pinks, purples, and two rainbows right at sunrise. And, as an astrophotographer, I found Colby’s patience and detailed explanations on how to pull out details in the Milky Way core to be very educational and spot on. I’m very happy with my results from this workshop and I’m already looking forward to the next workshop of his!

Casey Horner
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Iceland Winter Wonderland
Good times..great photos!

I had been stuck in a photographic rut, suffering from a major lack of motivation for quite some time prior to joining the Iceland winter workshop. Taking a chance and joining this workshop has done wonders for my photography. It really helped me gain new motivation and refined skills moving forward. Colby and Pedro are amazing instructors and also masters of logistics when it came to navigating the extreme weather we encountered during our trip. I am extremely satisfied with their fortitude and effort when it came down to putting us in the best locations with given weather challenges throughout the duration of the workshop!

Seth Perelman
Posted on:
Wild Patagonia
Bucket list trip with Colby Brown Photography

I attended a Colby Brown Photography Workshop with Colby and Pedro in April, 2024 and it was an excellent learning experience in a breathtaking location, Patagonia. The weather gods cooperated that week and we enjoyed all different types of lighting conditions in great weather. Their hands-on immersive teaching approach was comprehensive and everyone deepened their understanding of landscape photography and learned some new techniques, such as time lapse photography, post-processing editing techniques for astrophotography and even some wildlife photography. Colby and Pedro have endless energy and enthusiasm and were always available to chase the light or darkness at any hour. The learning and camaraderie didn’t end at the end of the workshop but continues through an online alumni community. I can’t wait to join them again on another adventure.

Vito L Tanzi
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Costa Rica Wildlife Experience
Another Incredible Workshop!

I absolutely loved our Costa Rica Workshop. We went to incredible locations and took so many great photos. It is very apparent that Colby loves Costa Rica, Photography but mostly he loves sharing his knowledge. He found the best locations, with guides that showed us things that we could never see if we were going on our own. You can immediately tell how many times he has been to Costa Rica from the connections he has made of years of repeated visits.

I met Colby in October 2022 when I joined his Namibia workshop. So going on another workshop with him 3 months later says it all. In fact, we had 4 participants from our Namibia workshop that joined the Costa Rica workshop. As they say “birds of a feather flock together” pun intended. Colby, is able to to attract fun, interesting and kind participants that are joy to spend 10 days with. We have formed friendships that will go on for years and years.

I am already planning my next Colby adventure! I cannot recommend him high enough as a person and photographer.

Laurent G
Posted on:
Iceland Winter Wonderland
Iceland’s worth a workshop with Colby !

How to summarize this in a few words ? Amazing, challenging (a lot !), impressive, and always entertaining. Iceland in winter, even if the sun was with us during the whole trip, is an experience in itself. Colby knows how to bring this experience to a special level, how to help you to feel comfortable in rough situations (wow, this crazy icelandic wind and this stupid tripod…) and to focus yourself on what you have to do. It doesn’t matter if your feet are wet or if you have to get tired to reach a special spot in order to get a better shot. The key is to get the best from yourself, and Colby helps you to make yourself more confident. Thank you for that. Besides, he’s a totally “accessible” guy (not sure if this is the right translation of this word in english, I hope you’ll know what I mean ;-)), and it means something.

Alan D.
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Bolivia – Salar de Uyuni Astro Workshop
An Unforgettable Bolivian Adventure!

The Salar de Uyuni, the largest salt flat in the world, is breathtaking. Just standing in the middle of its 2,496,000 acres, with the vast expanse of Andean Dark Sky and millions of stars suspended over you, is well worth the price of admission. But of course, this is a Colby Brown workshop so there is so much more! Based on Colby’s extensive travel in South America, you are skillfully guided to some of the more remote and untraveled areas in South America — places where few Nortemaricanos go. You get authoritative training to do things like Astro panoramas or stacking high-resolution shots of the galactic core, and other tricks of the trade. There is a night in a remote Andean lodge at 15,000 ft near the famous Lago Colorado and its flamingos. There is time to explore La Paz, Bolivia, where I had one of the best meals of my life. But perhaps the best thing about Colby Brown workshops is the amazing and interesting people they attract. In each workshop, I get new lifelong friends. Bolivia was no exception!

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Alaskan Bald Eagle Winter Adventure
Bald Eagles are so worth it!

Seeing hundreds of bald eagles in Alaska was an incredible experience, and something I’d never forget.

The workshop was so well organized. Colby provided detailed instructions right from booking the workshop, helped us bring the right gear – both camera gear and winter gear. From the minute we met him, he made himself available to all of us – whether it’s editing or shooting tips, or driving us around anywhere we need to. Colby is also very fun to hang out with, and he constantly drops tips and tricks.

If you join any of his workshops, I highly recommend asking questions and being proactive in getting what you want from the workshop.

In our bald eagle workshop, his other attendees were also great people. Some of them have a ton of wildlife experience, so I learned a bunch from them as well.

Noa D
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Wild Patagonia

The Patagonia workshop was my 3rd one with Colby, so I knew what I was getting myself into, yet it still exceeded expectations.

Patagonia is very unpredictable with its weather conditions, which can really affect what/when you can photograph… So we just came up with plan B as we went along and still got great images, learned something new for post processing or did a time lapse or two. And when the light cooperated… It was beyond amazing!

We got plenty of opportunities to create great images, learn more about post processing, ask any question that came to mind and joke around (a lot).

I always say that the people you attract are often a reflection of who you are, and each of Colby’s workshops seems to have an awesome group of photographers, many of them alumni. I think that speaks volumes!

Thanks Colby and Michael for a great experience. I wish it was a bit of a longer workshop!

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Iceland Winter Wonderland
The Land of Fire & Ice!

What a great experience! The land of ice and fire really lived up to its name with our seven days of itinerant workshop in southern Iceland.

Iceland is the realm of contrasts, where you can admire surprising landscapes, extreme nature, indescribable colors, the spectacle of the aurora borealis, geysers, and glaciers, as well as lava deserts and snow-capped peaks! And then the characteristic animals such as seals and reindeer! A land where glaciers alternate with black deserts, lagoons dotted with icebergs and impressive waterfalls.

An island where nature shows itself in all its ruthlessness and in all charm. This workshop allowed us to discover the hidden face of Iceland safely and enjoyably. A group tour made up of a few people, so as to always guarantee the respect and silence necessary to appreciate the places!

Leading the tour is an expert photographer, Pedro, who meticulously followed the program articulating the course with an alternation of theory and practice, communicating naturally and simply.

This workshop is one of a kind, both for the landscapes and for the northern lights. Incredibly Pedro was always up to date on the weather and lighting conditions, always without fail!
In summary, a program respected to the letter, breathtaking locations and high-level accommodations. I would advise all enthusiasts to participate in a workshop of this kind and to visit Iceland, especially in winter!

Scott S.
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Iceland Summer Photo Adventure
I Got To Visit Another World

Colby’s Iceland workshop took me and my son, Parker, so far beyond any vacation experience. It was a chance to see parts of this planet most never get to see, in the kind of light that leaves you without words to describe. Fortunately, words aren’t required to bring home a piece of it. We were all able to capture images of some of the most spectacular sights you can imagine. With Colby’s expert knowledge of the country, where to find its hidden vistas, and how to really see it in its most amazing light, I was able to take my photographic skills to an entirely new level. I highly recommend this trip with Colby as your guide. It can take you to the top of the world and the peak of your craft. And you should try the lobster pizza. ?

Sandy Stolzman
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Kenya – The Great Migration
An Unforgettable Journey – The Great Migration

I recently had the privilege of embarking on a photography workshop in Kenya led by Colby Brown, and I can confidently say that it was a transformative experience that exceeded all my expectations. #1 on my bucket list!

Kenya’s natural beauty is simply awe-inspiring, and Colby curated a workshop itinerary that showcased Kenya’s vast amount of wildlife . Colby’s knowledge of the area was evident as he led us to the best vantage points and patiently waited for the perfect moments to capture the magic of Kenya’s wildlife and landscapes.

We had the chance to interact with local communities, learn about their traditions, and capture their daily lives through our lenses. It added depth and authenticity to our photography, allowing us to tell meaningful stories through our images. Upon returning home, I found myself in possession of a trove of unforgettable images that will endure a lifetime. Each time I reflect on my adventures with Colby, I uncover hidden treasures in my photographic collection. If you’re an impassioned photography enthusiast, eager to explore the world through your lens, I wholeheartedly endorse joining one of Colby Brown’s workshops – it’s an investment in both your photography skills and your very soul.

PS: Food and lodging were excellent on the “Great Migration Workshop “

John F
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Costa Rica Wildlife Experience
Excellent intro to macro photography!

I came into this workshop having shot lots of landscape, but without much experience with macro or flash. Colby brought instruction to my level and helped me get started with this equipment. The trip was well organized, and the local guides were great. Every day, the workshop tour brought us to places with plenty of opportunities for unique wildlife photos.

Cannon Spradley
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Alaskan Bald Eagle Winter Adventure
On the fence? Do it!

I’ve been with Colby on a few workshops and I’ve never regretted a single one. Just got back from shooting bald eagles in Alaska and I can’t recommend it enough! Colby is great because he is always whatever you need him to be. Need someone to walk you through everything? He’s there. Need editing tips? He’s always willing to share. Need someone to get you to the location and then leave you alone? He’s got you covered!

Carla M
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Iceland Summer Photo Adventure
trip was absolutely amazing

In June 2013 I had the privilege of attending a workshop in Iceland with Colby. The trip was absolutely amazing, to say the least. Iceland is full of stunning and diverse landscapes and is easily one of the most beautiful places that I have ever visited. I had never been on a workshop before and did not know what to expect, but it was clear to me immediately (from the very first contact e-mail) that Colby was confident and experienced and knew exactly what the was doing. His knowledge of the area, weather and culture of the country was outstanding and it was obvious that he had done a lot of research beforehand. Aside from his sheer professionalism, Colby is a genuinely nice guy. He is kind and considerate and unbelievably generous with his extensive knowledge. He was always looking out for the group and constantly put our needs and wants first. I arrived in Iceland on my own and not knowing what to expect. Eight days later I left with amazing memories (and pictures) and a new friend, in fact a whole bunch of new friends from all around the world. I can’t wait to join Colby on another trip someday.

Vito L Tanzi
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Namibian Desert Adventure
Phenomenal from Start to Finish!!

My wife and I just returned from an incredible photography adventure to Namibia (Oct 2022) with Colby. As I begin to look at our photos, I still cannot believe everything that we did. We photographed landscapes, people and wildlife. So far my photos look amazing!! Along the way, Colby was always kind, dependable, engaging, thoughtful and the type of person you love to spend time with.

Namibia is a country that has so much to offer. It is different from any other country I have been to because of the diversity of its landscapes, cultures and wildlife. This makes organizing a trip very complicated. Also in Namibia the distances to travel from one location to another are quite far. Colby always made sure that we were comfortable and was considerate to everyones needs.

I have taken workshops with other photographers before. But Colby’s Namibia Workshop was by far the best one I have been a part of. He always made sure that the group was in the right location at the right time. He got to know each photographers preferences and needs and during each photo outing he would check in on everyone and guide them. He used every opportunity to teach and share his experiences. It was true mentorship. We never felt that he was on the trip to take his own photos. He dedicated all his energy and time to the participants. I would go on another workshop with Colby without any hesitation!! Colby Brown has set a new standard for photography workshops!

Colby has a heart of gold!!

John Z
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Iceland Summer Photo Adventure
Awesome Iceland Adventure

I recently returned from Colby’s Iceland Summer Adventure and it really was an adventure–every day and night! This was my first photo workshop, so I wasn’t sure what to expect, including the camping aspect of the trip. The adventure included stunning locations, top notch photo instruction from Colby and Peyton, and great camaraderiewith the other participants. And the camping just made it that much more memorable. I’d love to go back to Iceland, but I don’t think it would be the same without Colby and the gang.

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Wild Patagonia
Patagonia Dreaming

I have always wanted to visit the wild, unpredictable and rugged landscape of Patagonia and I am really happy I got to finally have this experience through the Wild Patagonia Workshop with Colby & Pedro. Really enjoyed the locations we stayed, the group we travelled with and the photographic knowledge, advice and instruction freely provided by both Colby and Pedro – all made for a great & memorable trip with some awesome photos too !. Thank you!

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Fall in the Dolomites
The Incredible Dolomites!!

The Italian Alps is one of my favorite places in the world, especially with the larches in full display. No better way to photograph these otherworldly landscapes than with Pedro and Ugo who know the area extremely well and are experienced guides. The workshop is extremely organized and Pedro and Ugo know where to go with the variable weather and cloud coverage. Extremely happy to have joined this workshop and recommend signing up…and bringing a drone!

Mostafa A.
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Iceland Summer Photo Adventure
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Iceland Winter Wonderland
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Lofoten Islands – Norway
Third time’s a charm!

This was my third workshop with Colby, after winter and summer Iceland workshops, and I keep coming back for a reason! Colby’s way of focusing on the individuals and teaching on a personal level really helps tackling whatever I’m struggling with and helps me improve upon it during my time in the workshop. Also Colby is great at reading the weather conditions and forecast and choosing the right place and the right time to get the best photos possible!

Corey C
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Myanmar Photo Adventure
Every experience is an opportunity…

…to learn and grow.

I had no expectations as I prepared for Colby’s workshop in Myanmar. What I wanted the most from this trip was the experience of exploring an ancient culture and the opportunity for an amazing adventure, but what I walked away with was so much more.

One of the things I really appreciated the most about working with Colby is the way he pushes you beyond your boundaries in photography. Until this workshop, I spent most of my time photographing in aperture priority mode with auto-focus. This workshop encouraged me to explore and embrace my camera’s manual mode. Now, I’m not new to manual mode–I spend every Milky Way season in manual mode and manual focus–but shooting the night sky in manual isn’t really a challenge. However, when you’re in conditions with fast-changing and dynamic lighting, you really need to think about how each setting affects your image. Colby’s deep technical knowledge and his ability to teach will leave a lasting impression on you as a student… no question is too simple nor too complex.

Thank you Colby (and Erin and Koye!) for an amazing but exhausting trip in Myanmar. This was an experience I will never forget and l’m looking forward to my next adventure with Colby.

Sandy S.
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Discover Cuba
Cuba changed me in so many ways.

Colby is an amazing humanitarian filled with knowledge and the patients needed to teach and lead a workshop. Cuba is a place so close to home yet so different in life style. On this workshop expect to learn technically, but also learn the true meaning of being grateful. Beauty and sadness abound. So much to document on this trip. You will never be bored and your images will be amazing. Rene is Colby’s assistant in Cuba and the combo of the two is quite entertaining. The other photographers on this adventure were a great group of people of all ages and skill levels and we all remain friends to this day. I highly recommend this workshop and hope to travel again with Colby soon.

John Yotka
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Fall in the Dolomites
A Beautiful Dolomites Adventure!!

I have wanted to see/photograph the Dolomites, I’ve done other workshops with Colby before and when I saw his Dolomites workshop I knew it would be just what I wanted. He didn’t disappoint! Colby is very knowledgeable and helpful. He knows the area and where to get the best out of the weather conditions to get wonderful photos. He is very personable and responsive to questions you have about how to get what you want out of a shot. I highly recommend any of his workshops!

Madeleine Punde
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Wild Patagonia
Patagonia, the Light Seekers

There we were, in one of the most remote southernly parts of the American continent, waiting for the light… and it finally came.
I must say that this photo workshop was very well managed by Colby and his partner in crime Michael. We were at the right spot at the right time to benefit from the best creative environment possible. Colby’s scouting, experience and knowledge made it worth the entire investment.

We got to stay on this beautiful island, with one of most spectacular view points of Torres Del Paine which was perfect for early morning shooting. I will always remember the night hike. The starry sky was just so ominously fascinating and gave rise to the morning light on Mont Fitz Roy, which captivated, inspired and lead to amazing shots, a journey in itself.

Now about Colby… After years of practicing photography and doing some small workshops, I decided that I had to get THE experience of a lifetime. This was my first experience on a photo workshop with Colby Brown Photography. I had seen him in webinars, watched some of his blogs and I really appreciated the way he teaches. I was not disappointed, Colby is exactly the same in person, nothing to hide, all to give. Plus, I gained a wealth of information from all the highly experienced participants.

I would definitely go back to Colby Brown Photography Workshop for another epic journey.

Jen B.
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Brazil – Kingdom of the Jaguars
Brazil Workshop

I’ve taken 3 of Colby’s workshops now and each one of them is better than the last! This Brazil trip is really awesome. Outside of the incredible animals, we had a very intimate group, the facilities were clean & comfortable, and the guides were wonderful about trying to get us as many Jaguar sightings as possible. I will say, while we did get a good amount of jaguar sightings, they are definitely a bit illusive and sometimes hard to find. But there are a lot of other really incredible animals to see on this trip as you’re out looking! (TONS of birds, capybara, otters, etc). I loved this trip and would highly recommend it if you want a unique experience and a chance to see a very unique region and incredibly beautiful Jaguars.

Bradley Kerr
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Fall in the Dolomites
Dolomites October 2023

Well organized and guided. Leaders Pedro and Ugo were competent, patient, more than accommodating and went out of their way to keep the program operating efficiently.

The hotel and transport details were quite satisfactory as well.
I learned a lot and will consider another trip with the Colby Brown organization.

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Iceland Summer Photo Adventure
A Beginner’s POV…

Prior to going on Colby’s Iceland photography workshop, I had taken maybe 200-300 photos with a camera in my life. I easily doubled that prior cumulative total each and every day of the workshop. My perspective on his workshop is one from a complete beginner who pretty much knew nothing going into it. I’m not exaggerating when I say I didn’t know what aperture really meant before going. I learned so much on the workshop, not only from Colby and Pedro who were excellent instructors, but also from the other people on the trip who were mostly experienced photographers and all very interesting people to meet. You probably can find cheaper crash course workshops for photography out there, but I’m sure this one blows them out of the water experientially. Lastly, being surrounded by so many accomplished photographers was tremendously motivational. In between different destinations, I looked at many cool portfolios and listened to many interesting stories about their experiences with this hobby so far.

Also, both Colby and Pedro were super familiar with Iceland and it showed. We went to locations based on the weather conditions, with ample places to choose from. They also listened to the group’s opinions if there was a place we especially wanted to check out or even go back to. The flexibility of the logistics of this workshop really highlighted just how much of an expert both of them are on Icelandic points of interest. Honestly, if I had to put money on them versus an average local on who knows the scenery of the island better, I’d put my money on them.

If I were to do it again I think I’d be more proactive in asking for advice (especially as a beginner), but all in all, this is an incredible experience that I would wholeheartedly recommend. If you think you’re too inexperienced for something like this, then I hope you’ll give it a try anyway because I did and I don’t regret it.

Judith A.
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Lofoten Islands – Norway
Great for a non-photographer too!

As the wife of an enthusiastic photographer, I loved seeing the beautiful Lofoten landscape and aurora through the eyes of so many visual-image experts. On our own, Randall and I never would have discovered the special places we visited, or found the willpower to be there at sunrise or after midnight, in February. Unburdened by heavy equipment myself, I could traipse around each site and enjoy all the natural beauty as well as studying the interesting behaviours of a whole herd of photographers. Then, in the review and critique sessions, I got to learn about the fantastic possibilities for processing the photos afterward. Colby and Pedro optimized our field experiences beautifully, considering weather and aurora forecasts as they selected the site and time for each excursion. Then they got us there, safely and comfortably. I thank them both for the unique experience!

Default Avatar
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Uganda – Kingdom of the Silverback Gorilla
Ugandan Safari of a Lifetime!

My husband and son are interested in photography; and going on an African Safari was something we all wanted to do. We found Colby’s tours and made one work for our schedule. Colby made this trip a huge success for us. He was entertaining, knowledgeable of the country and photography. He was kind enough to encourage me on my little point and shoot. Recounting our trip elicits jealousy amongst our friends: even friends who have been on African safaris. He used a local NGO that works to better Uganda. Every place we stayed through out the trip lovely.

I highly recommend a tour with Colby and plan to tag along with my husband on photo tour

Stephanie Ellis
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Uganda – Kingdom of the Silverback Gorilla
Wildlife Experience of a Lifetime!

My trip to Uganda with Colby was a life-changing experience. The wildlife and landscapes of East Africa are unique and spectacular. As a brand new photographer, this trip has sparked in me a life-long interest in wildlife photography. Not only did we have spectacular wildlife sightings and great photographic opportunities, our group was immersed in the culture of Uganda and its beautiful people. This was due to the choice locations where we stayed and visited. I highly recommend this trip whether you are new to photography or an advanced photographer. Colby is incredibly knowledgeable in his field, well-traveled, thoughtful, and forever patient. Colby’s enthusiasm for the natural world is contagious. I dream of a time when I can visit Uganda again.

Kiran Challagali
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Bolivia – Salar de Uyuni Astro Workshop
An Amazing Experience!!

This was truly one of the best experiences of my life!! Right from the day we landed to the last shoot, I had a blast in Bolivia with Colby and rest of my new photo friends. The whole trip was planned and executed methodically and made use of the best light conditions every day. We were deprived of sleep, but shooting in the ethereal salt flats made up for it! The team was great to hang out with and I came out of this trip with valuable memories and friendships that will last for a long time. Colby is a very good teacher and as this was my first astrophotography venture and I had to start with basics. He was patient, and ensured all of us came up with at least one shot, we envisioned for! He is not someone who does a lot a hand holding, but instead asks the right questions and brings out the best in you and lets you discover your innate vision! I will definitely join Colby for future endeavors!

Josh W.
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Iceland Summer Photo Adventure
An incredible and memorable experience!

Iceland’s beauty was well beyond my imagination and expectations. Nine days of chasing endless light and discovering awe inspiring beauty around every corner…oh, and waterfalls, lots and lots of waterfalls…what more could one ask for? I highly recommend Colby’s Iceland Summer Photo Adventure. The way Colby designed the trip with flexibility allowed us to literally chase the light with no concerns on where we would pitch our tents after hours of fun and amazing shooting. We hit all the highlights one would expect in Iceland and yet Colby also pulled out some amazing hidden locations that were well off the beaten path. Colby and Peyton were incredible guides who brought a fun sense of humor and professionalism throughout the entire trip. Colby’s instruction was inspirational that has stayed with me well after the trip was over.

Mike M
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Myanmar Photo Adventure
Myanmar – land of (photo) opportunity

In November 2017, I went on a photo workshop to Myanmar with Colby Brown Photography. I had some trepidation in signing up for a workshop halfway around the world. Would it be worth the time? Would I get the images I wanted/hoped for? Would I learn positive things from the experience? After heading to Myanmar to meet Colby and his crew, I can say that the answers to all my questions is an emphatic ‘yes’.

Landing in Myanmar and finding my way to the hotel was the beginning of an adventure. We traveled and photographed Myanmar over the next eight days. We started in Yangon. We also visited Bagan, Inle Lake and Mandalay spending a few days in each. We had photo excursions in the mornings for sunrise, during the day at a variety of locations from farms to fishermen and markets to monks then, at sunset, we had other locations to shoot. The pace made for full days but we were never rushed. Each of the photographic locations was planned out and organized allowing us to maximize the time for shooting we had at each amazing locale. Colby obviously had a solid plan for each day and it really showed.

Colby is an expert in his field and it shows. From the ideas behind composition to exposure to post processing, Colby has it covered. Apart from being an expert in his field, Colby also has the ability to work with a wide range of different personality types and speak to them at their level. His attitude, willingness to help and ability to meet you at your level makes his instructional time valuable. There were two instructors on our trip and a local guide to help with anything that needed doing. The staff were available to assist, guide, cajole or help in any way with your photography or getting some incidental you may need.

The other aspect that made the trip important to me was the people who were my workshop attendees. I must add here that every one of the people on the trip with us was a pleasure. Everyone was so flexible, knowledgeable and interesting. I feel very fortunate to have chosen Colby’s Myanmar workshop and to be with all these fantastic people. I would recommend Colby to anyone thinking about a global photographic opportunity.

I look forward to heading out to another part of the world with Colby in the future.

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Iceland Summer Photo Adventure
one of the best instructors

I recently attended my first workshop with Colby and crew. Not only was I impressed with the quality of the instruction, but Colby worked to ensure I came back with fantastic photos as well. I can easily say that Colby is one of the best instructors on the market and have just signed up for another workshop because of it!

Stephanie R.
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Discover Cuba
Go to Cuba…Now!

Colby Brown’s Photography Workshop delivered one of the most unique, exciting vacations I’ve ever had. I went there alone and left with life-long friends. Seeing the country with people who know and love it (Colby and Renee) was magical. I loved bypassing the tourist traps, and staying with locals – it added so much perspective. My favorite day was the journey into the Cuban countryside to spend time with local cowboys. I loved starting each day with a photowalk – just wandering the neighborhoods to see what we could find. And Colby gives each client individual attention. I learned so much about my new Sony A6500. Can’t wait to find time to go to Myanmar and Iceland!

Sairam Sundaresan
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Iceland Summer Photo Adventure
Creating Memories that will last forever

My wife and I had the pleasure of attending Colby Brown’s Iceland Winter workshop in March 2016. Hands down, this has been one of the best decisions we’ve made. Colby helped us right from start to finish, answering our never-ending barrage of questions, and even helped us with getting our Iceland Visa. Initially, we were a bit unsure of how the experience would be in Iceland, but Colby put all those doubts to rest. A patient instructor/guide, Colby’s knowledge of the area is pretty unparalleled and he went out of his way to make sure that we got the best possible experience during the week. He is also very easy going and very approachable. There are quite a few things I learnt right from techniques in field to the business of photography. The highest credit I can give Colby is that by the end of the week, my wife, who is just taking her first steps in photography had the confidence and swagger of a seasoned pro. We highly recommend taking one of Colby’s workshops. Believe us, you won’t regret it one bit.

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Bolivia – Salar de Uyuni Astro Workshop
A Great time in Bolivia!

The Bolivian Astrophotography Adventure workshop was exactly that, an adventure! The guides Colby uses were so great, taking care of us and our every need even at insane hours of the day. The salt flats did not disappoint, so many stars, and even saw two other galaxies! And Colby’s method of guiding/teaching is great! He allowed us to get the shots we wanted without micromanaging. Thank you for the memories and a great trip!

Randall P.
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Lofoten Islands – Norway
Great locations and learning experience

I greatly appreciated Colby’s philosophy about this photo workshop, which included providing one-on-one advice in the field and deciding where to go for photos based on up-to-the-minute forecasts of auroras and the weather (instead of a fixed daily itinerary). He chose incredible locations for our cabins and the photo outings. Also, Colby made sure that if we had late-night sessions with auroras, we had enough rest the next morning before going out on another photo shoot. His sessions for demonstrating some photo editing tips, as well as individual critiques of photos by Colby and his assistant Pedro, were quite useful. Overall, I learned a lot during this week, and it was also fun. Thanks for everything Colby!

Bruce Hunter
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Iceland Winter Wonderland
Iceland Winter Adventure Review…

Amazing trip! Not only were the physical locations absolutely stunning but the atmosphere created by everyone on the trip was an experience like no other. I’ve never been in the same room as so many like-minded people in terms of photography and Colby and Pedro were the perfect guides throughout it all. Hopefully, I have the chance to join up with them in the future on another adventure!

Dale Schusterman
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Alaskan Bald Eagle Winter Adventure
Eagles Everywhere!

My recent trip to Haines, AK with Colby was one of the most enjoyable experiences I’ve had in a Long time. The eagles were in perfect form for our photographic endeavors and Colby helped me up my game as a photographer. I asked a lot of questions about photography/editing and Colby patiently answered each one. I have a ton of great photos to go through, so my next few months will be full of editing. I smile when I think of this workshop as it was wonderful in all ways. I look forward to traveling with Colby again soon!

Dana Cano
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Iceland Summer Photo Adventure
Iceland Adventure of a Lifetime!

The Iceland Summer Adventure was my second workshop with Colby and Pedro. The majority of our group consisted of alumni which speaks volumes as to how great their workshops are. We saw glaciers, waterfalls, an active volcano, puffin, lupine, black sand beaches, and the most beautiful landscapes I have ever seen. They knew exactly where to take us and when, and provided photography instruction along the way. Not only did they take us to beautiful locations, but they also are exceptional people who create a wonderful environment no matter where we are. I came home with amazing pictures, great memories, stories to tell and new life long friends. This was an exceptional experience and I look forward to attending another Colby Brown workshop!

Marielena S
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Iceland Summer Photo Adventure
Land of Fire & Ice Magic

Colby’s Iceland workshop featuring “Fire and Ice” is an unforgettable experience that is not to be missed. With over 25 visits to Iceland, Colby knows EXACTLY when and where to put you to capture those images of which you have always dreamed. Though I’m not an avid camper, I really enjoyed camping on this trip because it maximized the photographic experience, allowing Colby to adjust the routing to avoid crazy weather and chase the light. Sleeping during the day and shooting at night meant we had the most stunning sites in Iceland all to ourselves with unbelievable light. Colby’s hidden gem destinations were definitely the highlight of the trip. And, using Colby’s favorite .5-.7 second shutter speed for moving water has been game-changing for me. I can’t wait to join Colby on a future trip!

Suzanne Harrison
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Brazil – Kingdom of the Jaguars
Workshop in the Pantanal region of Brazil

My 15-year-old son and I were lucky to have Colby all to ourselves on this adventure photographing jaguars and other wildlife in the jungle of Brazil. Not only is Colby a master photographer, he is an incredible guide and has the perfect demeanor to head up the multitude of challenges that can be found when traveling to remote locations. He was wonderful with my son — gave him lots of encouragement and positive feedback and was also comfortable redirecting him when necessary. Colby is generous with his time and worked with my son on crafting and editing some exquisite photos, taking into account the lighting, backdrop, movement, etc. We will definitely engage Colby for another wildlife photography tour — if you love photography you will be over the moon with Colby Brown!

Linda C
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Discover Cuba
An Opportunity to Step into the Past!

The trip to Cuba was filled with interesting locations, beautiful, friendly people with a rich history trapped in the past! Your expertise with Sony cameras was a huge plus for me! You are a tireless teacher which was so appreciated!

Michael E
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Wild Patagonia
Outstanding – Best Workshop I Have Ever Done!

LOVED IT! I have already booked my next workshop with Colby. He got us to all the right spots at the right times and with a fun group of people. Although I have been a serious photographer for 20+ years I learned a great deal on the trip (which surprised me). I have been on many workshops in the US, South America and Asia and this was by far the most well organized. The type of people Colby seems to attract to his workshops are just right for me — engaged photographers but not overly technical and interesting so the beers after shooting or van rides are always entertaining. Can’t wait for the next one!

ming j
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Namibian Desert Adventure
Doubt helps me find answers!

Photographing wild animals? I’ve never done this before. I wondered if I signed up the wrong tour group. In fact, this is an all-in-one trip that combines scenery, wildlife, people and culture. Namibia is a unique country that is worth seeing. Not only was I fascinated by landscapes and cultures, but I also developed new interests.

The team atmosphere is great – relaxed, friendly, open minded. Colby has a good knowledge of photographic equipment and animal behavior. He took the time to patiently answer all questions and guide us to capture the best shots. He was caring, considerate and supportive along the way. Most importantly, Colby has a big heart. I’m in awe of his Giving Lens Foundation’s philosophy and mission – to educate and support local people, and to give back to the community while filming around the world.

I would say the trip to Namibia was one of the best photo trips of my life. I learned so much and brought back so many unforgettable photos, great memories and friendships. Doubt helps me find new answers! This was my first time traveling with Colby, but it certainly won’t be my last!

Thank you, Colby!

Chrissy D
Posted on:
Iceland Summer Photo Adventure
Endless Light Chases & Adventure

Chasing the almost endless summer light in Iceland is truly a legendary adventure. Colby’s philosophy is to design workshops which provide the most flexibility as possible. Camping throughout the workshop leaves the itinerary wide open and allows him to show you how to chase the light based on up-to-the-minute weather forecasts. His goal is to get his clients to the best locations with the best possible light. As a photographer, you cannot ask for more from a workshop. Not only will you come home with amazing photos, you will certainly leave a better photographer.

Andrew Soh
Posted on:
Fall in the Dolomites
Amazing awesome adventure with great guides and company

The workshop start5ed in Milan with strangers and ended 9 days later as friends with a shared experience that will stay with us for the rest of our lives. Pedro and Ugo are excellent drivers, guides and teachers. We had a blast sharing stories over pizzas,, pastas, beer and wine at dinner after long days of hiking and shooting. My pictures came out pretty good too!

Vuong T.
Posted on:
Alaskan Bald Eagle Winter Adventure
Alaskan Eagle Workshop

This is my third photo workshop with Colby and on each trip there was so much fun and learning that I keep coming back to his workshops!

Colby has a deep knowledge of the places, he took us to the best sites for the best light, he was always available to help in the fields. He also teaches us post-processing with photoshop & lightroom in the evenings. His approach is tailored for individual needs. Sony camera shooters also get extra benefits because Colby knows the camera in and out. I would strongly recommend Colby to anyone in search of a workshop and I am looking forward to joining him in my next workshop.

Jose V
Posted on:
Lofoten Islands – Norway
Great Adventure With the Greatest Landscape Photographer!

It was a phenomenal adventure. Colby knows everything you need to know and teaches it in a simple way, so you can understand no matter what level of photographer you are. I definitely recommend him for your next photography travel experience!

Judit F.
Posted on:
Wild Patagonia
Fun Workshop!

The 2018 Patagonia workshop was the first with Colby, and I did not go home disappointed. I have taken many workshops before, but this was the most educational and fun ever. I just wish the PUMA that Colby has ordered showed up 🙂

Charlie Fox-Whelpton
Posted on:
Iceland Summer Photo Adventure
Amazing experience with Colby!

I went into Colby’s workshop as someone who is really passionate about photography and wanted to boost my photos to the next level. I received gentle guidance and the opportunity to work alongside other amazing photographers in such an amazing location, all pieces that gave me a great experience. Colby’s workshop helped me get to that next level of photos that made this experience truly amazing by curating a trip that gave me the best locations and weather possible. The atmosphere of this workshop was always a positive one where everyone had the chance to work together as equals and have lots of one-on-one opportunities both with Colby and with other workshop participants. Overall, I would recommend this workshop for anyone looking for a great experience with very effective instruction and guidance!

David M
Posted on:
Kenya – The Great Migration
Nature is Unpredictable!

While we were unlucky this season and did not see the impressive migration across the Mara River, we did have a lot of awesome sightings and photo opportunities – a Cheetah mum and her four cubs; baby hyenas; an eagle close-up; the first outing of lion cubs; watching the next generation of lions being made; and so much more. Be prepared to sit for hours in the safari vehicle to traverse Kenya’s Parks. Colby was prepared to help with techniques, just ask, he helped me with High-Key Exposure. And if you see something you want to photograph, just ask, that is how we got the close-ups on the eagle and feeding lions!

Posted on:
one of the best investments

Attending a couple of Colby Brown’s recent workshops has been one of the best investments of time and money that I have made in photography. When shooting with Colby I have always learned many new things. These lessons may apply to the act of taking pictures, or be related to processing and publishing… or even the business of photography. Either way, they are always valuable.

Sandy Stolzman
Posted on:
Costa Rica Wildlife Experience
Nature in Abundance

No matter where I choose to travel with Colby Brown on a workshop, I always learn new tricks! Costa Rica was no exception. Despite all the concerns over Covid, I was never uncomfortable or felt at risk. I chose Costa Rica for the abundance of wildlife and the opportunity to take my macro photography to a new level with flash. Colby was patient and gave us so many opportunities to learn. We traveled to the rain forest area of Costa Rica including the Cano Negro River, Boca San Carlos, and Sarapiqui. The nature guides along the way were all fantastic. We had the opportunity to photograph creatures that would be untouchable without them. You’re on the go from morning till night. Everyone in the group left with amazing images and new wonderful friendships. Very pleased with all the accommodations. I enjoyed this trip so much, I may just do it again!

Mario Valkenorg
Posted on:
Lofoten Islands – Norway
Super Workshop!

A Wonderful workshop with great guidance! Enjoyed the incredible landscapes we visited. We were able to capture stunning sunrises, sunsets and even the amazing Aurora Borealis!

The cabins were very spacious and had all the comforts and this even at a perfect location, quiet and idyllic.
You could even get great shots from inside these cabins.
This workshop is highly recommended !!!

Maria McCall
Posted on:
Wild Patagonia
First workshop was AMAZING!

This was my first workshop ever and I was so happy I went on this one. Colby and Pedro and they were so welcoming and personable. They were both so eager to help and answer any question at any time. I learned so much from this workshop and the accommodations were great and the locations were perfect! I can’t say enough great things about this workshop and I already have my next one with them booked!

Michael Evans
Posted on:
Bolivia – Salar de Uyuni Astro Workshop
Another Epic Adventure!

This is my 4th trip with Colby and I am already looking forward to the next one. Bolivia is a wonderful country to visit and the astro opportunities are boundless (didn’t sleep much due to the schedule and the 15000+ feet altitude, but that’s the price one must pay. The trips for me are just the right mix of adventure, people and fabulous shooting opportunities. Colby and team get us in the right place at the right time…and then magic. Although I have been a photographer for more than 20 years, I learn something during each trip and I really enjoy the 1:1 instruction.

Posted on:
Iceland Winter Wonderland
Right Place! Right Time! Right Technique!

Colby and Pedro are excellent photo tour and professionals. This is my second workshop with them; my first was Patagonia. As the title suggests, they know where and when to go, and why. Once at a locale, they actively engage with each member of the tour. They are always willing to help – technically or logistically. Iceland in the winter can be a bit of a challenge, and both made the tour enjoyable, rewarding and safe.

Beyond all of this, both are kind, compassionate people. Both set a tone of camaraderie among the participants. I quickly felt I was on tour with good friends.

Highly recommend!!!

Mario Valkenborg
Posted on:
Wild Patagonia
A Otherworldly Amazing Trip!

A very instructive, fun workshop! Colby and Pedro are willing to share all their experiences and knowledge in an open way that makes learning very accessible. It doesn’t matter if they are discussing field techniques, post-processing, or super technical questions. They are a great team that doesn’t look down on a beginner’s mistake or someone who has less knowledge. When you add in a local guide like Rodrigo and the picture is complete! A great guide/naturalist who is incredibly knowledgeable about the region loves to engage with people and who also happens to be a good photographer himself. In our workshop, our entire group clicked from the first moment, which contributed to the success of the entire trip! I highly recommend Colby and his team to help you discover this beautiful part of the world known as Patagonia. Thank you for this otherworldly amazing trip!

Peter Gonze
Posted on:
India Tiger Safaris
The Eye of the Tiger

The sounds, the colors and the tastes of India and an opportunity to participate in a photography workshop focused on Bengal Tigers! What’s not to like? I couldn’t wait for my opportunity to set my lenses on the eye of a tiger.

When Colby posted his plans for workshop in India, I was eager to sign up! This was my 4th workshop adventure with Colby, so I already knew that he will have thoroughly researched the best places to go with the highest probability of tiger sightings! I also know that even in the most challenging locations, he has seen to all the logistics that make the trip run smoothly. A terrific network of contacts who have local knowledge makes navigating throughout the trip seem simple. We traveled to Tadoba and Bandavgarh National Parks located south of New Delhi. Our safaris were very productive. Colby is a great person to travel with and an outstanding coach. No matter where you are on the photography continuum, Colby has insights on techniques, technology, and software that make you a better photographer. On each trip, I come away looking forward to applying newfound skills and to the next adventure!

Fatrice B.
Posted on:
Uganda – Kingdom of the Silverback Gorilla
Gorilla Trekking in Beautiful Uganda!!

Gorilla trekking in Uganda was one of the most amazing and unforgettable lifetime experiences. The trip was well organized, flexible where needed, and a lot of fun. Tim, our driver navigated through muddy and rough terrain with ease as we travelled from Entebbe to the lush Bwindi Impenetrable National Park. He educated us on his country and the culture. The accommodations Colby chose allowed us to easily interact with the Ugandan people who were kind, friendly and welcoming.

Regarding the gorillas, we had an opportunity to observe two families, both of which had between 4-7 babies. Though this required hiking steep inclines at times you can hire porters at the park to carry your photography equipment and assist individuals that may have difficulty hiking. I was in awe of these primates. Whether it was seeing mischievous babies swinging off vines then falling on top of their mother’s head or watching a silverback stroke his mate’s head while she nursed their baby. These were breathtaking images I’ll never forget.

In addition to the gorilla trekking, we did a river/land safari where we saw lions, hippos, elephants, chimpanzees and various species of birds and small game.

One key aspect that makes Colby’s workshops standout are the sessions he holds throughout the trip to review your photos and offer suggestions on composition, settings and postprocessing. By year-end, I will have attended 4 of his workshops and others on the horizon. As I looked through my earlier photos, Colby has truly made me a much better “photographer”.

Darrell Trump
Posted on:
Wild Patagonia
World Class Adventure!

What a fabulous trip, incredibly patient and skilled guides (Pedro & Colby). They are so knowledgeable and experienced that they knew exactly where to go, when to go, plus all the details of camera setting, set-up etc . Always there and available to offer advice and settings for it seemed, every camera made. They were so helpful to provide suggestions and guidance, I was able to capture photos that I wouldn’t even thought of. They encouraged us to explore, expand our minds, try new things, be brave, take time to find the perfect shot.
Looking forward to many more adventures around the world

Posted on:
Namibian Desert Adventure
A heartfelt workshop with Colby!

I took two workshops with Colby this year. The first was in Patagonia and 2nd one that I just completed was in Namibia. The Patagonia workshop made me feel worth waiting for two years, and the Namibia workshop went beyond my expectation! The Namibia workshop covered photographing landscapes, cultures, and wild animals. Colby provided us with every opportunity he could for us to learn and practice in photography. Additionally, the workshop included visiting and photographing the Himba tribe, which gave us an opportunity to interact with Himba people and observe their way of living. Colby has a warm heart to humanity that earned my trust and respect. Namibia is a big country with minimum highway infrastructure. During the first week of the trip, we were riding on a bus about 7-8 hours each day from one location to another. My step counter accumulated over 8000 steps every day by simply sitting on the bus alone. Colby made good effort in making us feel comfortable with the ride. Hotels were luxury and food was fantastic, which made it possible for us to regain energy next morning.

We were very lucky to have our local guide Abel and beloved driver Peter with us. Both of them provided us history culture lessons and safety net for us to enjoy every place we went. There were full of laughs, humors, storytelling, photography discussions and information sharing among the group members during the entire trip, making me feel we are in a big happy family. Thank Colby for everything you did for us, and I am looking forward to joining you again in the near future!

Mike Cohen
Posted on:
Costa Rica Wildlife Experience
Out of Sight!

I lucked into this trip, having impulsively signed up after reading Colby’s email about night photography of reptiles and bats. That got me hooked. Little did I know that he was a Sony Ambassador. The trip was non-stop photo ops: hummingbirds, frogs, snakes, and a great variety of birds. It included boat rides, treks through the forest, blinds, set-up flash and natural light hummingbirds, and great instruction on the use of macro and flash. Colby is a wonderful leader with truly professional skills and knowledge of photography and our subjects, but also wonderful people skills. No ego, lots of laughs, and beyond helpful. I can’t recommend him enough!

Chi-Wei C.
Posted on:
Lofoten Islands – Norway
The right location and right conditions

I learned so much from Colby and Peyton on the Lofoten Islands workshop, from how to look for angles and elements, tools and techniques. One of the most fascinating things was watching Colby pick out the location, gauging the weather, light and cloud conditions while taking into account what everyone wanted to see. We were fortunate to have spectacular northern lights, and Colby got us to several locations night to get the best combination of sky, mountains and sea. I definitely plan on joining more trips with Colby.

Chrissy D
Posted on:
Wild Patagonia
Expertise in Landscape Photography and Travel

Once you have taken a workshop with Colby, you realize it feels more like traveling with friends who share your passion for photography. Colby and his team just happen to be the invaluable friends who are experts in both photography and the travel location. In places like Patagonia where the weather is incredibly dynamic, this knowledge is invaluable and gives you the best chances to be at breathtaking locations with epic light simultaneously. Moreover, Colby’s individual teaching approach allows you to learn at your own pace. From finding composition in the field to post-processing techniques, Colby is willing to share his knowledge on any topic. No matter your skill level, you will walk away from his workshops a better photographer. I know I have.

Andrew Soh
Posted on:
Wild Patagonia
An Amazing Adventure!

Patagonia has been on my bucket list for a long time. When Colby mentioned it towards the end of our 2018 Iceland winter adventure trip, I signed up on the spot.
Due to the constant changing weather around Torres del Paine (we had wind, rain, snow, sun within a 24 hour period), Colby and Pedro kept us up to date on the forecast and what to expect. They made sure we were safe in the gale-force winds, and helped us plant our tripods in locations with limited wind exposure. They were very patient with our questions and provided good techniques on capturing the best photos given the changing environment.
During downtime when the weather was terrible or the light was bad, Colby gave lessons on Lightroom and Photoshop processing. The lessons alone is worth the price of the entire trip as Colby shared his workflow, tips to make photos come alive, and advice on equipment.
However, the entire trip was not just serious camera work. The group, although coming from different countries and background, came together like old friends after a couple days. We joked, help each other out, and had great dinner conversation over fantastic food. They are the best traveling companions I’ve every experienced in any tour groups — so much so that a handful of us have decided to sign up for Colby’s 2020 Lofoten workshop.

Yuwei Li
Posted on:
Wild Patagonia
Worth the Wait!

I booked this workshop 2 years ago before the pandemic. Glad it worked out after the long wait. The weather was good and instructors are excellent!

Posted on:
Lofoten Islands – Norway
Great Person to Learn With!

In 2019 I joined Colby’s Norway-Lofoten Islands workshop in February. Colby and his team of Pedro and Brian are highly professional, polite, humble, knowledgeable and always available and willing to help and teach. All arrangements right from airport pickup, workshop content, hotel accommodations, and time management were highly professional, even in the face of dealing with challenging weather.

I am looking forward to Colby’s upcoming trip to South Georgia and many more trips with Colby. It is so good to work with you Colby!

Kim F
Posted on:
Myanmar Photo Adventure
A Life Changing Experience!

I am definitely not someone who would normally ever consider joining an organized group to go travel. With that said, my experience traveling with Colby and Erin blew my mind and so far exceeded my expectations that I cannot wait to sign up for a next workshop! As someone who is still relatively new to photography, not only did I learn so much, I was pushed outside of my comfort zone in terms of what I normally would capture, and left the trip feeling so much more confident as a photographer! Additionally, everyone in the group were so fantastic and fun, definitely people I plan to keep in touch with! If you’re hesitant about joining one of his trips, just do it! You absolutely won’t regret it!

Roger F.
Posted on:
Wild Patagonia
Bucket-list Photo Adventure!!

The Patagonia workshop was perfect and in a stunning region. Colby and Pedro pre-planned all of the travel details, made safety a priority in the sometimes-challenging weather conditions, and were always available for any questions and image critiques. Most important, they worked hard to get us to the right locations at the right times for the best possible images. Just do this trip!

Karen Smith
Posted on:
Wild Patagonia
Two down, more to go!`

Well, I’ve been back home for nearly a month now and I can’t get Patagonia out of my mind. The rugged beauty of Torres del Paine and its infamous weather makes for a storybook photography workshop in my opinion. And while I don’t want to spoil the surprise for anyone considering this trip, let’s just say the little island hostel was an incredibly special place! It was obvious that Colby has scouted Patagonia many times before so he knew which areas would have the best light given the weather conditions. Although the Cerro Torre and Cerro Fitz Roy mountains were snuffed out by heavy low clouds and rain, Colby and Pedro salvaged what could have been a disappointing few days by providing education and individualized instruction on photo management and photo editing via Lightroom and Photoshop. Both of them were always available on location to help with any questions you had with camera settings and finding a good composition. I’ve been on workshops where the tour leaders were off shooting for their own portfolio and leaving you fending for yourself and I can tell you that does not happen here.

I loved the camaraderie of our group and I’m sure I will remain life long friends with many of them. Being able to meet and travel with like-minded people from all over the world with our common love of photography is really special and if you haven’t decided whether to pull the trigger and sign up for one of these workshops, I promise you won’t be disappointed. This is my second trip with Colby; the first being the summer Iceland workshop in 2018. If you have a love of waterfalls and other worldly scenery, Iceland is hard to beat. And the camping bit makes it a real adventure!

A special shout out to Pedro Kin, who had endless patience and even better sense of humor! I just can’t say enough about the Patagonia workshop other than I highly recommend it!

Karyn W
Posted on:
Costa Rica Wildlife Experience
Exceeded Our Expectations!

My husband joined me on the Costa Rica workshop and we both are totally pleased with all aspects of it. It is obvious that Colby put a lot of time and attention into all of the various details and he seemed to also be thinking about and open to changes on the fly to improve the experience. The local guides were all great, especially Ken, our main local guide who spent the entire trip with us, and our driver, Wilson. All of the guides, and Colby, went the extra mile to deliver opportunities for various bird species as well as other animals that we were interested in. We photographed beautiful hummingbirds, toucans, tanagers, and water birds, as well as some King vultures. We practiced macro photography on snakes, bats, and some very interesting tiny frogs. Our accommodations and dining choices were all local to the areas we visited and it was fun to experience what felt like real Costa Rica. Let’s talk about Colby though. Simply put, he is a great workshop leader. It was apparent he has genuine relationships with the local guides at all of our various venues and they enjoy working together. We never saw him get impatient with any of the many, many questions thrown his way during the 9 days we spent together; and besides that, his knowledge is deep and his willingness to share it is sincere. He is also fun to be around and when you spend a fair number of hours traveling around a small country (in a pretty nice small bus, btw), you want to be with people who are enjoyable to spend time with. Colby certainly is and so were the rest of the participants. We would highly recommend a Colby Brown workshop and anticipate signing up for another one!

Warren Treacher
Posted on:
Costa Rica Wildlife Experience
The Best Costa Rica Trip!

I was fortunate enough to take a recent trip with Colby Brown to Costa Rica, and it was fantastic!

Colby manages to be spot on every day in spite of being pestered all day with my repetitive questions and comments. He somehow wrangles cats without ever losing his composure, sense of humor, or delightful temperament! Several times (likely everyday) I would find myself struggling with either the camera settings or spotting a subject and without even asking he would magically be at my side helping me out no matter what the issue. Our group of eight people quickly morphed into a very cohesive and well natured bunch mostly because of Colby’s seamless efforts and good nature.

He not only found some of the best places to view and photograph wildlife in Costa Rica but also located the best local guides to help us appreciate them!

I now plan to accompany him again on other wonderful adventures throughout the world whenever I get the opportunity!

Sergio S.
Posted on:
Lofoten Islands – Norway
Made My Dreams Come True!

I had a great time with Colby Brown and his fantastic assistant Pedro Kin in Norway – Lofoten Feb 2018. My main goal was to see and photograph the Northern Lights and Colby with his high knowledge of the area along with a great experience in understanding the local weather and planning the right places and times to shoot the aurora made my dream come true. Besides, I could improve my photographic skills especially night photography and get more tips in terms of education.

Thanks for this amazing adventure, Colby Brown and Pedro Kin!

J Naito
Posted on:
Costa Rica Wildlife Experience
Costa Rica – WOW!

Costa Rica was my first Colby Brown trip and I’m sure it won’t be my last. As a beginner, I was the least experienced photographer in the group, but Colby was patient and taught me about so many of the functions on my Sony A7RIV. In addition, we all learned a lot about Marco and Flash Photography as we took photos of frogs and snakes close up and personal. So much fun!

Each day was different and well planned out. Kenneth, the local guide was great in finding us birds, frogs, snakes and bats to photograph as well as being an amazing photographer himself, which came in handy as I needed assistance. The other participants in the group were from all over the world and by the end of our short trip we were all friends exchanging contact information. Can’t wait for my next Colby Brown experience!

Posted on:
Costa Rica Wildlife Experience
Costa Rica Experience

After the wonderful experience of Colby’s Iceland Winter Wonderland photo workshop, my wife and I decided that our second workshop with him would be in Costa Rica, as we had a desire to visit the rainforest and the countless plant and animal species.
It was an unforgettable experience, which far exceeded our expectations, thanks to a safe and respectful approach to nature and wildlife!

During the workshop the theoretical and practical concepts of naturalistic photography were addressed, followed by concrete examples that highlight the photographic language providing the basis for moving independently.

The workshop is therefore suitable for those who are fasting with knowledge of photographic language, both for amateur photographers and experienced professionals!

During each of our shooting sessions, Colby worked closely with his participants to make sure that no one fell behind. He shared his insights & thoughts without making things complicated and was always happy to answer questions.

Overall it was a very positive experience! The success of the workshop, in addition to Colby’s skills, was also due to the quality of the participants. Humble, competent, interested, interesting, stimulating!

This workshop allowed me to be creative in a constructive way. Even though English is my second language, this trip helped me grow my knowledge of photography and practice new techniques that has made me a better wildlife photographer.

But Colby has an ace up his sleeve: his collaborators. In this case, the outings have always been amazing thanks to Kenneth, his local guide, to help him with both the technical and scientific knowledge.

Megan J.
Posted on:
Iceland Summer Photo Adventure
The Epitome of Adventure

Chasing the light! Staying up all night to see the sunset and sunrise pretty much at the same time was one of the most amazing things of my life. I got a taste for adventure traveling around Iceland with Colby and can’t get enough now. If you are going to go anywhere in the world, you must go to Iceland. It is a land like no other that will capture your heart as you capture the beautiful landscapes!

Chris G
Posted on:
Iceland Summer Photo Adventure
A great experience

I really enjoyed Colby’s workshop. I learnt a lot about photography and also a lot about the business side of photography (which I found really useful). Be it website advice, social media advice, equipment advice Colby was always happy to help. There were all different skill levels on our tour and Colby adapted seamlessly to each participant. While we were there, Iceland had been hit by a lot of snow meaning the Ice Caves were impossible to reach unless you had a 30ft monster truck. Some people might have just apologised and said it’s the weather they’re unreachable. Colby found a tour company with a 30ft monster truck, managed to get us to the caves and they let us stay behind for an additional time after the other people had left. As he said: “I promised I’d get you to the Ice Caves, a promise is a promise”. It was a fun, knowledge experience and I made great friends with everyone on the tour.

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Caleb Aschkynazo
Posted on:
Iceland Winter Wonderland
Not since the birth of my children!

We had a small group of really great people. Our guide (Pedro) really knew his shit. He knew the when and where to make amazing photos. Not since the birth of my children have I been as awestruck as when I witnessed the northern lights! This was a trip of a lifetime. I can’t say it loud enough.

Shaul Firon
Posted on:
Costa Rica Wildlife Experience
One of the best trips I had

Just came back recently from an amazing photographers tour to Costa Rica, with Photographer Colby Brown. Even though I have quite a long experience as an armature photographer, this was my first such tour. What a first time experience, the trip was! The trip was perfectly organized with great planning and perfect timing placing us in the prefect spots with the perfect timing to get the best shots possible. Colby has an amazing know-how when it comes to photography, equipment wildlife and every other small detail of the trip. I have to point out that even though we traveled during one of the COVID-19 surges every aspects of the trips was handled smoothly with no glitches of any kind. I can’t wait to go out and travel with Colby again!

Posted on:
Wild Patagonia
Worth the Wait and the Setback!

I signed up this workshop in March 2020. While I got everything ready, the entire trip was postponed due to the Pandemic. Finally, Colby notified us that the workshop would be held in March 2022. After waiting for 2 years, I couldn’t wait any longer! Ironically, on the way to Punta Arenas, my flight was delayed multiple times, which messed up all my connecting flights and pre-booked accommodations. After being sleepless for two nights, I finally met Pedro who picked me up at the airport. That was where my Patagonia journey began with Colby, Pedro, Rodrigo and my fellow workshop members. Our time together was full of learning, practice, challenges, tips and laughs thoughout the entire workshop. I learned so much not only from Colby and Pedro, but also from our local guide Rodrigo and my fellow members! Certainly, it was a truly exciting, productive, unforgettable, and wild workshop that will be in my memory forever!

Beth K Chou
Posted on:
Iceland Winter Wonderland
Incredible Northern Lights in Iceland!

Pedro not only scouted out the best locations ahead of time, but was there to assist us along the way. Pedro did all the planing so all I have to do was show up and enjoy. All hotels were amazing and restaurants have provided excellent local food to us. During this workshop I have learned Northern Lights and long exposure waterfalls photography. Iceland was one of my best trips and the Northern Lights in Iceland was incredible!
Thank you so much for everything!

Posted on:
Bolivia – Salar de Uyuni Astro Workshop
Bolivia left me speechless!!

Bolivia might have been the best trip I’ve ever joined. I expected to take one or two types of photos but it ended up being the trip with the most diverse photo opportunities. Sunrise, sunset and astro shots on the Salar are a given, but my favorite part was the Siloli Desert at night photographing up unique rock formations with the Milky Way. I came out of this trip with some of my best photos ever.

Elizabeth B.
Posted on:
Uganda – Kingdom of the Silverback Gorilla
An Unforgettable Experience!!

Having just returned from a workshop with Colby in Uganda, I am still absorbing the impact of our extraordinary experience in Africa. Colby orchestrated an intense itinerary for our group. Along with our local guide, we were comprised five Americans and two Australians. Although we each came from different backgrounds and ages, all were incredibly supportive and helpful to one another whether we had photography questions or physical challenges. From our arrival in Entebbe to the culmination of our trip into the Bwindi Impenetrable Forest to track two gorilla families, Colby’s expertise, talent, and local knowledge offered us a unique insider’s perspective. Each day was carefully planned, and our wildlife encounters could not have been more remarkable. My only complaint is that I wish our time together did not come to an end. To compensate for this, I have already booked my next adventure with Colby in Namibia!

Steve Pomeroy
Posted on:
Costa Rica Wildlife Experience
Costa Rica in 2024

My experience with Colby Brown‘s Costa Rica workshop was over the top! It was very well organized. I found the support team to be very knowledgeable and helpful at all times. Everyone received personal attention to their photographic needs.
We went to a variety of locations which offered a breadth of experiences. We had comfortable accommodations with delicious meals.

The workshop exceeded my expectations. There were photographic experiences I wasn’t expecting, and I made friends with a wonderful group of people and truly had a fantastic time!
One thing that I would like to have done differently, that is to have done it much sooner. I plan on exploring more of the world through these workshops!

Beth K Chou
Posted on:
Lofoten Islands – Norway
Incredible Northern Lights Photography!

What a great experience! Our cabins were situated along the rocky shoreline and we could easily reach many locations for photographing Northern Lights and wild beaches.

Traveling with people having similar interests is fun and helpful. We spent two nights photographing the incredible Aurora.

Pedro and Stan both have helped me on technical sides of Northern Lights photography. Also have assisted me on camera settings for regular and slow motion video photography.
Photographing Northern Lights within the Arctic Circle, Lofoten Islands was one of my dreams. Now I have done it… thanks to Colby Brown Photography Workshop!

Many “Thank Yous!” to Pedro and Stan for everything!!!

Posted on:
Wild Patagonia
Sightseeing at the End of the World!

I had the pleasure of joining Colby’s Patagonia workshop in April 2023. The amount of planning and effort put into the tour by Colby and Pedro both ahead of time, as well as on the ground during the trip, were clear from day one.

We got very lucky with the weather and only had one rained-out day, which served as some well-timed downtime for editing photos from the first half the trip. Every other day was put to good use, with things to do from sunrise to sunset, including a pre-dawn hike to see first light on mount Fitz Roy, to astrophotography; and while the trip focused on landscapes, we still had plenty of opportunities to see wildlife.

All of this was supported by behind-the-scenes efforts by Colby and Pedro, who were often awake long before anyone else in the group, checking the weather for sunrise shoots, and making calls about the best way to start the day.

Madhavan Parthasarthy
Posted on:
Lofoten Islands – Norway
Amazing Aurora Experience!

As always, Colby’s workshops never disappoint. I had spent a week (on my own) in Iceland last year and failed to see the lights. Colby and Pedro told me they have a 100% hit rate for the aurora in Norway, and they did not disappoint! We had several nights of amazing northern lights, along with several gorgeous sunrise and sunset shots in a dramatically beautiful landscape.

Casey C
Posted on:
Wild Patagonia
Wonderful for all experience levels

Colby Brown leads a fantasic workshop that heeds well to all levels of experience. If you are a complete beginner or a seasoned photographer just looking to sharpen your skill set, you will find the instruction and guidance that you need. I’ve been on 2 workshops, both Iceland summer tour as well as Wild Patagonia. Each time I came away with a better understanding and direction on where I want my photography to go and have no problem recommending his workshops. He understands weather very well and is always flexible on his decisions leading to a greater chance at making a compelling photograph.


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Brazil – Kingdom of the Jaguars
My First Trip with Colby!

I saw his name on the internet, took a leap of faith, & immediately sent my deposit for the 2023 trip to Brazil. I had never met Colby before this trip but, wow, did I luck out with meeting him, traveling with him, learning from him. Luckily, most of the guests shoot with the same camera(s) (Sony) & even though I have been able to get decent shots before Brazil, Colby taught me how to get so much more out of my cameras. He is so knowledgeable, so patient, so friendly & kind (& even funny!)
I am so happy to be an “alumnus” – I have not even been home a week yet & even though I have been there before, I booked a trip to Uganda with him, knowing that I will have a great experience & learn so much more!

Julie P
Posted on:
Iceland Winter Wonderland
Beautiful landscapes in Iceland

Another successful workshop with Colby and Pedro. Despite having visited Iceland several times before it was well worth going on the workshop because they introduced me to some new locations, new ways of photographing them and of course the weather and light conditions are never the same. Despite some bad weather we made the most of the time and I came away with some landscape photos I am very happy with. I particularly enjoyed the ice cave which was stunning and a new experience for me and seeing the northern lights was amazing. I also really appreciated the time spent learning new techniques in Lightroom and Photoshop which I will use on the photos I took during the week. I highly recommend this workshop, Iceland is a beautiful country for landscape photography with many unique locations to discover and going there with Colby and Pedro is the best way to get the most out of it and benefit from their years of experience in this country.

Danny Head
Posted on:
Wild Patagonia
Workshops Done Right!!

As a frequent workshop attendee, I’ve seen the good and bad of workshops. Colby and Pedro does it right. They make sure their client’s interests come first, putting you where you need to be at the right time. Another bonus is their flexibility to help clients with special interests. Lastly, and maybe most important to me, is that they do not overpack their vehicles with too many people. After all, comfort makes a big difference when spending 7-10 days with your new best friends!

Cannon Spradley
Posted on:
India Tiger Safaris
Once in a Lifetime Experience!

Colby does not disappoint! Spending the better part of a month in India photographing tigers is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and I will carry it with me for the rest of my life. When most people think of wildlife photography, they typically think of Africa, but India is rich with incredibly diverse wildlife. The trip’s main goal was tigers, but even the days without a tiger sighting were incredible. From elephants to leopards to a plethora of vibrant species of birds, not a single day disappointed. The parks of India are divine, and the access and knowledge that Colby provides are invaluable. Everything, from the accommodations to the guides, was perfect. I cannot recommend this enough, go to India! Truly treat yourself with a trip you will never forget.

David Miskov
Posted on:
Uganda – Kingdom of the Silverback Gorilla
Uganda – Chimps and Gorillas!

The tour – this tour is amazing, focusing primarily on the primates of Uganda. Two days with the Gorillas is the way to go. You only get 1 hour with the group and it goes very fast, so two treks is the way to go.

Colby and the workshop – Colby did his best to spend time with each individual to help us get the best photos on the day and then to chat in the evening about how to improve the next day. Great for beginners, amateurs and experts.

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Sofia Gonzalez
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Mongolia Eagle Hunter Adventure

This trip was everything I expected and more. I’ve been wanting to visit Mongolia for a while now and what better way to do it than from a photographic approach. The country, its landscapes and people are the perfect ingredients for breathtaking captures. On top of this unrealistic mix add Colby, his guidance, advice and creativity while directing and setting up the shots was the ultimate cherry on top to fully squeeze every drop form this experience. Would recommend without hesitation.

Shannon H.
Posted on:
Iceland Summer Photo Adventure

I had a fantastic time with Colby and Peyton on my summer trip to Iceland. I learned so much more than I would have in a classroom. Having hours of great light and having instructors right there to give you guidance is something you can’t pass up. Colby and Peyton were great with every person in our group, beginner to professional. I couldn’t have asked for a better experience. I truly came out of the workshop a better photographer. Thank you both for that!

Lauren B
Posted on:
Iceland Summer Photo Adventure
A Truly Tailored Experience

I’m a full time working photographer who is always looking to further my skills. After chatting with Colby I decided that his Iceland photography workshop would be a great fit for me and I was right. Colby pays special attention to individual needs and will keep handing out the knowledge for as long as you keep asking for it. I would recommend a Colby Brown workshop for anyone from a pure beginner photographer to a working professional.

Megan J.
Posted on:
Lofoten Islands – Norway
Worth the cold

I have been on 3 of Colby’s workshops and some of my best photos are from the Lofoten Islands. Enduring freezing weather and extreme winds was totally worth it. We only got one night of the aurora but it was glorious. Norway is a much different landscape than my home state of Texas and I greatly enjoyed this and the snow.

Ganesh Mouli
Posted on:
Iceland Winter Wonderland
Great experience! Great photos!!

This Iceland winter workshop was my first workshop. I couldn’t have selected better pros than Colby and Pedro and a better group! The conditions were very challenging. But, right from tracking the famous Northern Lights to finding the right conditions for the Ice Cave visit, these two were totally on top of it. Very responsive before, during, and after the trip.

They were very compassionate and there was great camaraderie within the group. Keep it up, guys!
Strongly recommended.

Andrew Soh
Posted on:
Iceland Summer Photo Adventure
Amazing adventure

Out of a handful of Iceland Photography Tours I’ve researched, Colby’s quick responses to my queries put me at ease with what was expected. The trip itself was an absolute blast – I’ve never traveled with a nicer group of people, and Colby, with his sidekick, Peyton, made sure everyone was well taken care of.

The weather in Iceland is unpredictable, and can change in a matter of hours. Colby and Peyton used their extensive experience to move the group away from incumbent weather and put us in locations that had the best available light. The proof is in the pictures we took.

At the very last day of the trip, I decided to signed up for next year’s Patagonia tour.

Mark C
Posted on:
Zion National Park
Great First Trip To Zion

I was fortunate to take a quick, three day, Sony sponsored photo trip with Colby as our leader. Colby, as you may know is a Sony Artisan of Imagery. I hadn’t met or been familiar with his work or teaching prior to this event but was looking forward to meeting him and learning new photo techniques. I also hoped for great Zion locations at sunrise and sunset. I was not disappointed! Colby was an impressive instructor. His teaching style with adults is perfect in that he makes himself available for any and all questions but is not intrusive nor pedantic. He helps you think through setting up a picture and is available to help if needed. A goal of mine for this trip was to become more familiar with shooting in Manual mode as well as to use longer exposures. Colby assisted with both culminating in a number of “keepers” from various locations in and around the Virgin River. I also gained from his helping the small group, in his tutorial/post processing session, to learn to pre-visualize a scene from an artistic instead of a strictly technical point of view. In addition, Colby helped me gain expertise with LightRoom editing software. The quality of my finished images definitely improved as a result of this experience. Bottom line, if you have an opportunity to join one of Colby’s tours, grab it. You won’t be disappointed.

Tom from Missouri
Posted on:
Fall in the Dolomites
Money Well Spent!

I’ve organized this testimonial into three parts: 1) Location Logistics, 2) Educational Value, and 3) Conviviality.

Location Logistics – The workshop was planned around sixteen sunrise and sunset shoots over eight days. Colby is well versed in “chasing the light” to ensure that time spent at each location leveraged the best best possible light. On two occasions we returned (on subsequent days) to sites for better/different light perspectives.

Educational Value – I’d rate my photography skills at an advanced beginner level. Colby was helpful in answering questions about settings of my Sony A7iii camera, recommending framing alterations for ideal compositions and explaining nuances of using polarizing and neutral density filters at reflection scenes. I own two lenses – a wide angle and a zoom lens. Colby was willing to share lenses when a particular scene was better served by a lens that I don’t own.

Conviviality – Best of all, was Colby’s upbeat personality and enthusiasm for his art. He is not pretentious about his reputation in the industry. All-in-all he’s “good people” and a natural leader – perfectly suited to his profession.


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Bolivia – Salar de Uyuni Astro Workshop
A Memorable trip!

I’m relatively new to Sony cameras, and Colby was highly attentive and responsive to my questions throughout our time in Bolivia, helping me to learn the camera functions as well as explaining the logic behind every decision/setting. His contagious upbeat, and engaging energy during the entire trip really carried the group along, as we had an irregular wake-up/napping schedule for Astrophotography. We could tell he’d done thoughtful planning for our group as well as the group after us and that he’s built great partnerships with the local guides/community. I highly recommended this Bolivia workshop, it really demystified Astro photography for me!

Cannon Spradley
Posted on:
Brazil – Kingdom of the Jaguars
Can’t recommend this workshop enough

This was my first workshop with Colby, and I cannot recommend it enough. I love wildlife, and watching majestic jaguars from a boat was just spectacular. Everything about the trip was perfect, from the accommodations to the photos I brought home. Colby is a stellar photographer and really does his best to provide a memorable experience. If you are at all on the fence about taking his Brazil workshop, trust me and go.

Meegan J.
Posted on:
Wild Patagonia

Colby has inspired me to work towards becoming a travel and landscape photographer myself! He is an amazing teacher and knows the locations extremely well. I have been on three of his workshops and I have grown from each experience in a different way. Patagonia is beautiful and Colby can find awesome hidden waterfalls as well as encourage you when you are too tired to move from hiking. Don’t forget to find a guanaco while you are there!

Posted on:
Brazil – Kingdom of the Jaguars
Brazil Jaguar Adventure! Wow!

I had the pleasure to attend this workshop in Brazil with Colby and I’m very happy to have been able to. On the first day at Porto Jofre we had 10 jaguar sightings and it only got better from there!

Our guides were very knowledgeable with the local wildlife and helped our group find a variety of rare birds as well as numerous jaguars. The food at the resorts is top notch local cuisine, very tasty and flavorful! Because both resorts are so remote, we were constantly surrounded by wildlife, whether it was the Blue Macaws right out side our rooms or the Capuchin Monkeys chasing each other in the trees. We always had so much to photograph!

Posted on:
Wild Patagonia
Worth the Wait!

This was a trip originally booked for April 2020 visiting Patagonia from both Chile and Argentina. Due to ongoing difficulties in crossing the border the trip was reoriented around Chile and the Torres del Paine National Park. This gave us the opportunity to get much more intimate with this area of outstanding natural beauty and it does mean that the Argentinian side is there for a potential future trip.
During the Pandemic Colby kept us informed and shared his plans as best he could for the potential dates for the rescheduled trip and his communication throughout has been excellent.
Colby assisted by his partner Pedro and their local guide Rodrigo provided my best photography trip yet. They were always available out on location without being intrusive, gave great advice and suggestions, and answered any questions. During our downtime periods, they both made themselves available for guidance on camera settings processing tips and tricks. They were also happy to make their equipment available for handling and testing.

It was a fabulous learning experience and a really enjoyable workshop complemented by the incredible dynamics within the multi National group. The leaders relaxed ways rubbed off on all of us from day 1.

Rodrigo provided the extra local knowledge and was very accommodating in doing small side excursions, giving great tips on different locations, including helping us set up a car lights trail shot. His knowledge of wild life is particularly impressive.

The trip had great landscape locations, wildlife and Milky Way opportunities. The light was so varied and the weather unpredictable, but if you didn’t like it, wait half an hour and it will have changed!

In summary the locations were fabulous, the hotels comfortable, their staff very friendly, the food excellent, the master classes from the leaders first class and the group dynamics superb with everyone learning from everyone and helping each other to get better., with plenty of fun and laughs along the way.

Just one word of warning, bring a spare 2tb external drive, you will need it!

Shauna G.
Posted on:
Iceland Winter Wonderland
Best workshops you’ll ever take!

The Iceland Winter 2022 workshop was my first workshop with Colby Brown Photography. I knew immediately it would be the first of many. Winter in Iceland can be demanding, which presented even more challenges for me as I was coming off of a year of medical treatments. Colby and Pedro made sure that I had everything I needed to keep up with the group and have an amazing time! No matter what Iceland threw at us, wind, hail, a blizzard, Colby and Pedro handled it with grace, smarts and humor. I quickly realized that I was surrounded by an amazing group of people. I had a great time and learned so so much! This particular workshop meant more to me than they will ever know:)
As I spend the next few months going over my catalog of images, I will be looking forward to my next workshop. #TeamColbita 😉

Aubrey S.
Posted on:
Iceland Summer Photo Adventure
Amazing experience with awesome people!

I had such an amazing time on this trip. Colby and Peyton took wonderful care of us the whole time and were very attentive whenever we were shooting at a location to make sure they were answering any questions we had and to just generally check in. Both Colby and Peyton are extremely personable and a joy to travel with.

I particularly enjoyed the flexibility on this tour to travel to where the light was good, so we almost always showed up at a location under amazing light.

One thing I will say, is that if you aren’t big into photographing waterfalls, the summer Iceland trip may not be the best choice for you, as we went to a LOT of waterfalls. I love to photograph waterfalls, so this was right up my alley. But something to keep in mind if you’re trying to pick between workshops.

Overall, my trip was just fantastic from the locations to the learning to the people. I am definitely planning on booking another workshop with Colby in the future!

Andrew Soh
Posted on:
Bolivia – Salar de Uyuni Astro Workshop
Amazing Awesome Adventure!

Truth to be said .. this is not a sit-back-and-shoot vacation trip, but the results are worth it!

First of all, getting into Bolivia was complete chaos. This is not a fault of Colby, but simply the Bolivian government’s disdain for American tourists. Be prepared to spend 45 minutes to 2 hour per person at immigration on landing. Other than that, the rest of the trip was smooth sailing. Colby and his guide/drivers took good care of us. The nights were long and we had 4-5 hours of sleep each night before shooting followed by a few hours of sleep after breakfast. The high elevation doesn’t really help either.

However, looking back on the trip, we had a great time shooting, learning from each other, and lusting after new equipment that someone bought.

Colby is an incredible coach and you will learn new techniques even if you already have many years of shooting under your belt.
This is my fifth adventure trip with Colby and I’ve enjoyed every single one of them!

Zachary Berrens
Posted on:
Mongolia Eagle Hunter Adventure
Magnificent Mongolia!!

This was my second time traveling with Colby, having gone to India with him in 2023. Based on how well that first trip was run and how much I learned, it was easy to commit to traveling with him again to Mongolia. As with the previous trip, it was an incredible experience. The country is beautiful but expansive, and thanks to a well thought out itinerary and a phenomenal team on the ground, our time was well utilized and travel days never felt like lost time. The locations we visited were all picturesque, posed different artistic questions, and most importantly, provided excellent opportunities for teaching and learning. It was especially helpful to see how Colby approached each setting and subject and worked through how to set up the best photographic opportunities based on the light, potential backgrounds, etc. Throughout the trip we got to interact with, learn from, and photograph a variety of local Mongolians including camel herders in the Gobi, eagle hunters out west, and several different folk music groups. Despite knowing that some of these individuals had been photographed by others, it never felt touristy and there was always the opportunity for good, authentic conversation with our hosts. Throughout the trip we stayed in comfortable hotels and ger camps and got to have one great night at a homestay with a nomadic eagle hunting family. The local food was fresh, hearty, and delicious. We had a great group, with several repeat workshop attendees, and I anticipate us all staying in touch now that we are back stateside. As a final endorsement to traveling with Colby…….I booked my next trip with him less than 48 hours after getting back from this one. I can’t recommend him highly enough!

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Costa Rica Wildlife Experience
Outstanding Costa Rica Adventure!

My first workshop with Colby and his team and also my first workshop dedicated to wildlife photography. Colby’s enthusiasm and energy for leading workshops was readily apparent from the start. Colby has spent a lot of time in Costa Rica and is very knowledgeable with the local environment and wildlife specifies. By the end of the workshop, I learned the basics of both macro flash photography and strategies to increase hit rates with fast moving subjects like BIF and hummingbirds. As expected Colby is very helpful with gear questions/set up for anything Sony, but was also helpful in assisting clients using non-Sony gear. We had plenty of photo opportunities during our week, usually starting early in the morning and frequent evening/night shoots as well. I also found Colby very responsive to pre-trip planning questions. As an added bonus, the entire group was a lot of fun (several of the participants had previously met on a previous Colby Brown workshop). I look forward to doing another workshop with Colby!

Jonathan G.
Posted on:
Mongolia Eagle Hunter Adventure
Mongolia! Wow!

From the unspoiled expanse of the Gobi, with nomadic herders of Bactrian Camels and the darkest night sky with the brightest stars and Milky Way I’ve ever seen, this has been my most memorable photo trip ever. It checked every possible box for me; Colby never disappointed and had arranged new and different photo opportunities every day with Camels, Yaks, Horses, Eagle hunters, and Nomadic herders and spectacular panoramas. We were also treated to some local Kazakh music and some ethnic meals that were “to die for”! I can’t imagine this trip being any better, and I want to return. All the logistical (internal vehicle and air travel, accommodation, meals, etc.) details were handled without a hitch by the ground team and local guide/fixer who accompanied us throughout the trip, so we could just unplug and enjoy the experience. Colby always made sure we got all the shots we were after at each location and lent his photo expertise throughout. I got photos I’ve dreamed of for years, and I’m so happy I did this trip!

John Yotka
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Alaskan Bald Eagle Winter Adventure
Great Bald Eagle Workshop!

The workshop was a great experience, the eagle activity was excellent. Colby does a great job in organizing this workshop. The accommodations were very nice. He is very helpful when at the shoots and back at the accommodations. He helps with camera setup and tips on capturing the shots you want. He also is very helpful with post processing techniques. This is the fourth workshop I’ve done with Colby and they have all exceeded my expectations. I strongly recommend his workshops.

Elizabeth B.
Posted on:
Not Listed
Go shoot with Colby!

I can’t say enough good things about our workshop with Colby. He’s spent his life traveling the world and photographing it, and is completely willing to share what he’s learned. Colby is extraordinarily generous with his time and knowledge – always ensuring that every participant has the chance to ask any question, and going the extra several miles to ensure that we all walk away with our individual challenges addressed. Whatever your skill level, he treats everyone with consideration and respect – so you’re comfortable asking the most basic of questions. A workshop with Colby will improve and inform the most experienced of photographers and also jump-start the skills of a total newbie – and leave everyone happy. Despite this total professionalism, Colby is an out-of-the-box thinker and there’s nothing ordinary about his workshops. On top of it all, he’s giving back to the world he photographs with The Giving Lens, and is a cool dude to hang out with. Now stop reading my testimonial and go book a trip with CB already!

Sergio S.
Posted on:
Iceland Winter Wonderland
Improving Even More of My skills!

This was my second workshop and it lived up to my expectations. Colby again showed his wealth of knowledge and experience in working in Iceland by taking us to stunning locations in this amazing country. This time I was able to improve on even more skills for landscape photography and learn advanced photo processing techniques, which made it possible for me to turn my workflow into something more professional and refined.

I highly recommend Colby Brown’s workshops!!

Maximo Hernandez
Posted on:
Costa Rica Wildlife Experience
Costa Rica Wonderful Workshop!

It was my first workshop with Colby and can’t wait till next one!

From first day Colby and Kenneth had everything in place so that I could find the right spots with the right animals to get the photos I was expecting. Actually, my workshop photos surpassed by far all my expectancies!

We were able to see the wonderful quetzal, owls, many other birds, frogs, bats, snakes etc. Everything with great light and, more important, with an exceptional teacher to show us how to get the best photos.

Colby taught me how to use flashes for macro photography and for freezing high speed movement. The results were amazing, even though I’d never tried it before.

The logistics were also a highlight. From the hotels, to the local guides, to the food, everything worked amazingly well!
Looking forward to my next workshop with Colby and team!

Roman L.
Posted on:
Iceland Summer Photo Adventure
Very Professional Photo Adventure Tour

Colby and Peyton did a great job. Everything was well organized and we had an awesome time, most importantly I learned a lot of new techniques and got new insights of how to become a better outdoor and landscape photographer. Congrats Colby!

Jennifer B
Posted on:
Discover Cuba
Don’t do Cuba any other way!

This workshop was my first trip with Colby and my first time to Cuba. I didn’t know what to expect but I all I had hoped for was a great trip and I was BLOWN AWAY at every turn! Colby is not only an amazing photographer but a fabulous teacher, trip planner, humanitarian, comedian, etc… I could go on and on. Not only was everything planned to a T and taken care of for us but he always works with a local guide to plan the best trip possible. If you want to be with all the tourists and see only the touristy sights, these workshops are not for you… if you want to see a side of Cuba that BARELY even the locals get to see, you must do this workshop! We spent a day hanging in the mountains with cowboys, went to a cigar factory and took portraits in the most amazing light, walked the streets to chat with and photograph locals. It was a truly incredible experience and I learned more than I ever thought I would. If you want to capture amazing portrait photographs in a truly unique country, while learning from a master, no matter what your level of comfort with photography is, this trip is definitely worth doing!

Chrissy D
Posted on:
Lofoten Islands – Norway
Arctic Adventure of a Lifetime

Colby’s knowledge in photography and the travel is unparalleled. Moreover, he is an open book willing to share his experiences and thoughts on topics from the most basic of photography questions to technical gear debates. Whether chasing the aurora in the Arctic Circle or finding the perfect seascape composition in the fjords of Norway, Colby will guide you through his approach. In addition, he provides ample opportunities during downtime to ask questions and review post-processing techniques. His workshops give you the best chances for finding color in the skies as well as elevating your photography to a new level.

Janet Kelly
Posted on:
Lofoten Islands – Norway
Lofoten in Winter ❄️

Still going thru pics from this tour and I am so happy with all the amazing photos we got! 2 nights of aurora, which is never guaranteed but boy, did they put on a show 👏👏👏. Pedro and Stan, our guides, were great! Learned a lot from both of them and really appreciated all the knowledge and expertise they brought to the tour! Everyone on this trip were awesome people and photographers, learned a ton from all of them as well! Honestly could not have asked for a better tour…Lofoten Islands are truly a must visit and I’m so happy I got to go there 🙏🙏🙏🙏

Steve M.
Posted on:
Lofoten Islands – Norway
Lofoten Islands, Norway Fenruary 2016

I had the pleasure of going with Colby to the Lofoten Islands, Norway in February 2016. I greatly benefited from Colby’s extensive knowledge and his willingness to answer any photography question from mechanics to style and the realities of the business. Lofoten’s geography, coupled with the change-up weather, offered just about every opportunity one could think of for landscape photography and learning in different situations. I thoroughly enjoyed the unstructured “chase the light” nature of the workshop and the fact that Colby is available to answer questions when they come up. Colby leads by example and reinforced the simple professional traits that make any endeavor successful – discipline, perseverance and patience. We tend to forget those when we’re traveling and get lazy. Top it all off with excellent fellow photographers and traveling companions from all walks of life, and my high expectations for this trip were exceeded.

Dana C.
Posted on:
Wild Patagonia
Absolutely An Amazing Experience!!!

I cannot speak highly enough about my experience attending the Colby Brown Patagonia workshop. It was evident from the moment I signed up that Colby and his assistant Pedro have extensive experience leading workshops and wanted to ensure that we had an amazing experience. Prior to arrival, we were provided with information packets outlining everything from what to bring, what to expect, and answers to every question we could possibly have. They established open lines of communication so that the workshop students could communicate with each other and with the instructors before the trip. The information they provided prior to the workshop put me at ease traveling to a new country by myself.

Colby and Pedro are phenomenal photographers. I admire their work and had been looking forward to the opportunity to learn from them. What I learned from them was far more than I could have imagined. I learned not only technical aspects of photography but also shooting with purpose and intent. Colby’s knowledge of the area allowed us to get to the right locations in the varying weather conditions. The passion Colby and Pedro have for photography are evidenced in their teaching. They genuinely wanted to elevate each of us and were free in sharing their knowledge. They set the tone for the group; encouraging us to share our stories and interacting with everyone. This created a wonderful group dynamic and an enjoyable experience for everyone.

Colby and Pedro left a lasting positive impact on me. They are exceptional people, photographers, and teachers. This was truly an experience of a lifetime. I encourage anyone considering doing a workshop with them to do it without any hesitation. I am looking forward to doing another workshop with Colby and Pedro in the near future!

Anthony Goldman
Posted on:
Costa Rica Wildlife Experience
A Spectacular visit to Costa Rica!!

This was a special photographic workshop for me and had high expectations that were significantly exceeded! Colby has a special way in managing people in groups and always made everyone feel good about themselves. He makes a point to spending quality time with everyone in the group. He has a special relationship with Kenneth (His local guide) which really enhanced the trip. We had spectacular viewing of all the natural wildlife in each area of Costa Rica that we visited. I would strongly recommend Colby to anyone thinking of doing a workshop and am really looking forward to planning my next trip with him and his team!