Tag: Behind the Lens

Bolivian visa stamp
Behind the Lens
Colby Brown

A Behind the Lens Look at Bolivia

When one thinks of traveling to South America, it is countries like Ecuador, Peru, Brazil or Argentina that dominate the list of places to explore. While I worked in Ecuador as a photography instructor for National Geographic and spent a few months shooting in the Patagonia region of southern Chile and Argentina…it is the country

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Thoughts and Reflections
Colby Brown

Behind the Lens: The Power of an Image

As I was walking around my parents house this holiday season, I came across an image of myself as a wee little lad. Not only did I do a double take, but I had to run and grab my son so that I could take this photo to show the similarities between my son Jack

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Hiking the Narrows in Zion National Park
Behind the Lens
Colby Brown

Behind the Lens: Going The Extra Mile

One of the most asked questions I get from my workshop students is “How can I take more compelling photographs?” While many might expect some magical formula that would help them take their images to the next level, the reality is that it is a mixture of various undefinable things. Passion, Creativity, Perseverance, Vision and more times then not…..going that extra mile.

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Behind the Lens – The Narrows – Zion National Park

What can you say about the Narrows? It is truly a geologic wonderland with so many photographic oppertunities. The downside to visiting during this time of year? 40 degree water up to your chest at times. Dry suits were a must and by the end..everyone was pretty wiped. But we did come away with some

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Behind the Lens: The Subway in Zion National Park

What a day! The Subway is easyily one of the most sought after locations to photograph for any photographer visiting the Southwest. It is however one heck of a hike in. After a day of hiking for 9 hours, I am spent. I think a burger and beer is in order… I havent seen +Scott

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Behind the Lens
Colby Brown

Behind the Lens: Zion National Park

As +Peyton Hale and I rolled into Zion NP after a 10 hour drive from Dever, Colorado (my home), we had little time to set up and search for a spot. Shooting the Watchman over the Virgin River at sunset is like like shooting the Taj Mahal when you go to India.

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Behind the Lens
Colby Brown

Behind the Lens – 1st Denver Photo Walk

I just got home from hosting the first Denver Photo Walk which was amazing. We had roughly 80 photographers show up from all different skill levels and from all over the state. We gave away some great prizes from onOne Software, Feisol, Phase One, F-Stop Gear and Google. I plan on hosting many more of

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Behind the Lens: Self Reflection

Today I found myself busy as usual. Alot of very exciting projects, organizations and collaborations have all started to come together in the past two years and now days I find myself constantly searching for more time. More time to work, more time to write, more time to photograph and more time to spend with

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Behind the Lens: Before the Chaos

This morning I found myself in one of my favorite places in all of Colorado, Great Sand Dunes National Park. After getting up at 5am and hiking up the tallest sand dune in North America (while already at 8,000 ft of elevation) I was greeted to an awesome sunrise. Following that epic light, I ventured

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Behind the Lens – Climbing Peeks in Nepal

This past April, I spent 27 days documenting one of my favorite regions in the world. The Himalayas. This is a short video I took as I crossed over the Kongma La Pass in the Khumbu Region, home to Mt. Everest. This was taken at roughly 18,500 ft. Who is coming with me on my

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