Tag: Inspirational

Passion for Photography – The True Voyage of Discovery

The True Voyage of Discovery Lets face it…photography is expensive. Whether you are a full time working professional or you just happened to recently find your artistic side, having a passion for photography can be extremely hard on the wallet. Between picking up professional DSLR camera bodies, having the sharpest glass (lenses) and traveling all over the

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Sunset over a passing dive boat in Koh Tae Island, Thailand
Thoughts and Reflections
Colby Brown

Passion for Photography

The question I am asked most often always goes something like this, “I have always dreamed of becoming a professional photographer, what is your secret?”.  As the photography industry itself continues to drastically change, I have noticed a constant flow of new people flooding into the ever shrinking photography job market. Whether it is because of the

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Business of Photography
Colby Brown

A look back at my first paying photo job…EVER!

Those that know me personally, know that I am a very reflective person. I enjoy looking back on the past in appreciation of the present moment. It is amazing to think about how many different experiences, moments, relationships, jobs or missed opportunities brought you to where you are today. It should then not be a surprise that I would look back on my first paid photography job ever.

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