FStop Gear’s “A Week in the Life of” Colby Brown – Guatemala

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What is it like to take local buses in a 3rd world country? How do I determine what to document on a trip to another country? What it is like to live life in my shoes?

I recently wrote an article for F-stop Gear, the leading adventure photography bag maker in the industry right now, about my trip to Guatemala earlier this year. It started yesterday with Day 1 and continues today with Day 2. Be sure to check back in each day with them to read the full story. This piece covers 12 days of travel through the beautiful, wild and amazing country of Guatemala. Enjoy!

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Upcoming Photo Workshop Adventures...

Seljalandsfoss Waterfall Iceland Summer Photo Workshop

Iceland Summer Photography Workshop

July 8th – 13th, 2023
Visiting Iceland in the Summer is one of the best times to explore this amazing country. Not only are lupines in bloom and waterfalls at peak flow, but the midnight sun provides endless hours of soft beautiful light as sunset and sunrise converge, often providing up to 6 hrs of golden light each evening!

Aurora Over Skogafoss in South Iceland from Colby Brown's Iceland Winter Photo Workshop

Iceland Winter Photo Workshop – Ice Caves & Auroras

March 4th – 11th, 2024
Winter in Iceland is one of those unique experiences that everyone should have at least once in their life. With this workshop, we will focus our time on the South of Iceland, focusing our time on Ice Caves, Northern Lights, and glaciers, but we will also photograph a number of waterfalls such as Gullfoss, Bruarfoss, Seljalandsfoss, Skogarfoss and more.

Patagonia Photography Workshop Adventure

April 1st – 10th, 2025
Patagonia is one of the most wild, beautiful & dramatic mountain ranges on the planet. We split our time between the incredible Torres del Paine National Park in Southern Chile and Los Glaciares National Park in Argentina, home to both Cerro Torre and Mt. Fitz Roy.

Seiser Alm Sunrise - Dolomites Photography Workshop with Colby Brown

Dolomites Photography Workshop

October 19th – 26th, 2024
Come join us on an adventure of a lifetime to the amazing Italian Dolomites. We will photograph and explore incredible mountain peaks, beautiful reflected lakes and gorgeous fall colors as we move throughout one of the most impressive mountain ranges in the world.

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